

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I'm literally so rich!

 Hola mis amigos!

The grind never stops as a missionary. The days are starting to blur together and weeks are flying by. Good news is that life is still good here. It wasn't super hot this week which was nice. It's nice being on bike now rather than later during the summer. I will probably die if I am biking during the summer. 120 degrees on a bike sounds pretty close to the fire and brimstone mentioned in the New Testament. 

Speaking of bikes, Elder Rehkow and I went to a member's house this week who is a big bike guy. We had him supped up our bikes so now they're pretty awesome. My $60 bike was good at first but now it's even better! With these upgrades, the work will probably triple! The brakes work so great now, so when I tried them after getting them fixed I almost flew over the front of my handlebars. I've also been practicing riding my bike without using the handle bars. I see people do that and I wanted to try it so that's been cool. It looks pretty funny just riding around without even holding on to anything with your hands. Since we're on bike, we can't drive to go get food so I haven't used my MSF (missionary spending funds) in like forever. It just refilled again this month so now I am just rolling in cash. I don't even know what to do with it all! We never go eat out so I guess I am just going to be rolling in dough forever.:) 
My desk in my apartment

Elder Percival looking at me

Life is still moving on after Harlie's baptism. She left for Oklahoma and we've been trying to get in contact with the bishop there so she can smoothly transition into that ward. She was really excited to move but it was really sad saying goodbye. Gracie wanted to move her baptism from this week to May 1st so that way she didn't miss some volleyball games. Hopefully we can do it May 1st and that way Elder Rehkow and I will be able to see her get baptized. The transfer ends on May 4th. Man this transfer went by so fast.

There was one day this week where we just did service all day. We helped someone move from 9:00 to noon and then afterwards went to another person's house to help them move for an hour. Then we went to someone else's house to climb a ladder and drill a hole in their house. That was kinda fun. We didn't get into our normal proselyting clothes until like 5:00. 
Me on a ladder drilling a hole

We have been teaching Mia this week and she brought her friend Allison which was cool. So now we get to teach both of them at the same time! They loved the Plan of Salvation lesson and were super excited for the next one this week. We gave both of them a copy of The Book of Mormon and asked them to pray to know whether it was true or not that night. They were super excited for it. The other guy that we've been teaching, Bill, is a little more difficult to work with. He has some issues following through with commitments and we don't really know what to do about him. If you all could pray for Bill Duran, that would be fantastic! 

We also had zone conference this week which was pretty fun. We basically learned how to invite others easily and teaching using The Book of Mormon. I learned a lot! There were a lot of zones there which was cool. I got to see and meet a bunch of other missionaries. Afterwards, we had a funny miracle. As we were biking back to our apartment, a lady waves us down and asks if "we have an extra Book." We're like, ummmmm of course we do. So we got to use all of the things we just learned in zone conference in an interaction and it was pretty hype. She was so interested by it that she took two copies of The Book of Mormon. One for her and one for her friend. Haha I love seeing miracles.  
Our Zone my 3rd transfer

The scripture that we shared with her was 2 Nephi 26:33, which is one of the most baller scriptures in The Book of Mormon. It says:

33 For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for He doeth that which is good among the children of men; and He doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and He inviteth them all to come unto Him and partake of His goodness; and He denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and He remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.

After sharing that scripture with her we were like "how do you feel right now" and she's like "wow I feel pretty good" and were like "heck yeah that's the Holy ghost bearing witness of it's divinity unto you." 

Anyways, I'm so glad I got the opportunity to write an email and share my experiences with you all this week. Every day I see miracles and some crazy things happen. Everyday is an adventure and I feel more important than ever before in my life. I hope you all have an excellent week!

Elder Pack 

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...