

Friday, October 21, 2022

Back in Pahrump


I hit 23 months today. Very cool. We are honestly not teaching that many people now which is still a bummer but hey we're working hard and grinding which is good. We're working through the members and finding through our own efforts, so God knows I'm trying.

We had zone conference this week and the theme was ASK, SEEK, KNOCK which was fun. I gave my departing missionary testimony to everyone which was fun. I spent my whole mission watching others give theirs during zone conference and now it's my turn. Elder Muraski and I also gave a training which was fun about finding people to teach. We made a talk show thing and then talked about good finding practices and how to always teach in everyone scenario. 

Zone Conference

I went to Pahrump on exchanges last weekend. Pahrump is basically a dump town next to Las Vegas. There is a whole district of missionaries over there that we needed to check up on. I went with Elder Plaster and Campos. It was mega fun and a lot of crazy stuff happened. We got into lots of houses and had lots of lessons. Tracting there is like tracting trailer parks so it's kinda cool. I had a crazy lady release her dog on us and the dog almost bit us which was wild. Somehow he didn't and instead just stood right in front of us and barked at us. Glad I didn't get attacked. Then we had a recent convert feed us dinner and that was the most wack dinner of my mission. I cannot even explain it, it was so wack. Basically, he just made fun of us and the church the whole time. We also went off-roading and Elder Plaster got an 'aggressive driving' which means he was going crazy. 

After our several Pahrump exchanges, we went to the Sandy Valley Branch and spoke in sacrament meeting. That was super fun, and the congregation really liked our talks. Helping and serving that branch is super fun. The branch here is awesome. 

Love you all

Elder Neil Pack 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Get Dropped LOL


This week was overall good except for one thing. Cynthia dropped us. Now she doesn't want any more lessons for a little bit which is a huge bummer. I was a little frustrated, but I got over it. Now I guess we have to find a new progressing family. Even though she prayed and got her answer it was true she still couldn't give up certain things.

We had MLC again. Pretty much nothing got done but it's alright. We had some great trainings and discussion which was needed. But really no good action items were set. But I got to see old friends before I go home in a couple weeks which was good.
Me and Elder Dawson on exchanges

They finally changed the music rule in our mission. It was pretty strict and now it's super loose. Wish this could've happened sooner but I guess I'll take 3 weeks of the new music rule. We were only allowed to listen to the sacred music app but now we can listen to whatever we want as long we'd feel comfortable with Jesus in the car or to play it at a baptismal service. So, this is pretty epic. 

Khaki Thursday

Lately we've been printing out QR codes for the book of Mormon app and have been handing them out. That's been pretty fun.

We had exchanges with the assistants the other day which was fun. I went with Elder Dawson who was my previous companion and now he's the AP. It was really fun to reminisce on old times. He's a good missionary and is a great leader for the mission. We tracked alot and had a decent number of lessons.
Companion study and handing out QR codes

We taught a family the Plan of Salvation which was cool. Later we saw a bunch of homeless people do some drugs in a field which was also another highlight. LOL

Well, that was pretty much the whole week, love you all! 

Elder Neil Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...