

Monday, March 21, 2022

It's my birthday.....again.

 Hola a todos,

Another week down. Crazy how fast it goes. I feel like this P-Day came at the perfect time. I was just a little fatigued and needed a change of pace. It's good timing. Here's a weird thing that I noticed today. I was calculating how many transfers I have left in the mission (I'm not trunky or anything, just curious) turns out I have 5 transfers left. That's crazy! Those will go by so fast, and this transfer is almost already over. 

Anyway, so today is in fact my birthday. Thank you for all the messages and emails. I sure appreciate it. This will probably be the most weirdest birthday of my life. Even though my last birthday was in the mission too this one basically nothing is happening. Yeah so the plan is to go get a haircut and play soccer. That's basically it. A couple days ago some other elders showed up to our apartment with a cake so I could have that as my birthday cake. 

My birthday cake! Its huge!

Elder Medina and I have been having a good time. The mission has been going well and we've been struggling to find new people to teach but our teaching pool is still pretty big so that's good. Last Saturday those kids ended up having to move their baptism date which was pretty sad. That's okay though we'll get them next week. They will still hopefully get baptized this transfer. I love them so much and love being with them, just hope they can see more blessings in their life. 

I went on exchanges with Elder Llontop this week. So fun! If you remember him I used to live with him back when I was with Elder Mcgee. It was so awesome. I loved Elder Mcgee, Llontop, and Child. They left a mark on my life that I will never forget. Elder Llontop and I's exchange was super fun. We had a theme of listening to the spirit all day and we acted on it. It was super fun and really powerful. I learned a lot and so did he. I hope I left an impact on him that can help him feel loved and supported. He sometimes feels alone because he only speaks Spanish so I hope that exchange showed him he's not alone. 

Also here are some highlights of the week. Had zone conference! That was fun. Got to see some old mission friends.
All the homies at zone conference

Zone Conference phot

The theme was running because next week our president wants us to run a 5k on p-day. 

I was super sick for a really long time but I'm stubborn and I still went out and worked anyways. I was pretty miserable actually haha. Wasn't fun. My nose was just dripping like nuts. I had posole for the first time which was like a Mexican soup dish, then I had pig feet for the first time which was super gross. Tasted like straight cartilage. I also got a new haircut and it looks super good. 

Pig feet that I ate (not fun)

Elder Judi

I love the Lord, I love my mission, I love my president, I love my companion. Just always a great time. Never something to complain about when I'm serving the lord. I especially love my peers in the mission who have made such an incredible impact on me. 

Here's a scripture I liked from zone conference:
"For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me?"
Genesis 44:34 

I relate this to the people we affect daily. Whether we are teaching them or they are friends or whatever. How can we leave without bringing them up to our Heavenly Father with us? It wouldn't be heaven without my favorite people. I won't go up to my Father if my lads aren't with me. 

Thank you for the incredible birthday and I love you all,
Elder Neil Pack 
Our album cover

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...