

Friday, December 18, 2020

"Through the power of the Holy Ghost..."


I hope you all had an excellent week! I know the week for me has been awesome! Christmas is right around the corner and I am so excited. I can't believe that my MTC time overlapped Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was so blessed and got an extra couple of weeks to spend time with my family. It will be hard to say goodbye to them soon, and I am trying not to think about it too much. When I go to the airport and leave on December 30th, I am going to cry my eyes out. But hey! Está bien! I know for a fact that what I am doing is right and nothing is stopping me from fulfilling my calling.

"For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ" 
Doctrine and Covenants 90:11

I am literally fulfilling prophecy! That's pretty epic not even going to lie.

This week in my MTC experience, I had the usual. Lots of studying and feasting. Plenty of incredible experiences and hard ones too. I forgot to mention in past emails, but I am actually teaching lessons in the MTC. Elder Zuniga and I are teaching 15 - 20 minute lessons in Spanish to people over Zoom. Even though they aren't real people requesting missionary discussions, their acting is pretty good. Each lesson I feel like we're progressing a little. We are teaching two different people, Rodrigo and Daniel. Rodrigo knows a lot about the church but doesn't believe that there are really prophets in our day. Daniel literally knows nothing and he is a little awkward. But everything is actually going pretty good and they are both learning and progressing. Also, learning a new language is pretty crazy. Like, there will be times where they will say something to me super fast in Spanish and I'll just be like, bruh, and then there will be an awkward pause. But hey! Está bien! A veces mi español puede ser bueno. Through the holy ghost, I have said some incredible things. There have been so many times where I will say something incredibly fast in Spanish and bear witness to the truth of the gospel and then I'll be like "Wow, how did I do that?"

Elder Zuniga and I have been having a lot of fun together. Everyone in my district is so awesome, but Elder Zuniga is pretty much the best. I hope that I can at least see him once in the field since we are going on the same mission.

Hanging out with Elder Zuniga

I want to share a spiritual thought Hermano Santander shared with me earlier. As a missionary, our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ. We do this through missionary discussions and setting goals with them, such as baptism and following his commandments. One of the most important parts of the early discussions is gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. We invite individuals after receiving a copy of the Book of Mormon, to ask God and pray whether it is true. If they pray with true intent and a sincere heart, genuinely asking if this is really the word of God, then through the power of the Holy Ghost, individuals will receive an answer about its truthfulness. Hermano Santander said that typically, people do this once and when they receive an answer about its truthfulness, they never ask God again. A testimony is not a one and done thing. It is a process. We are all going through this process right now. He said that we should renew our testimonies every week. We can ask God in prayer every week to find The Book of Mormon's truthfulness and every single time he will deliver an answer. I liked that message from Hermano Santander so I thought I should share it with you all!

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things" Moroni 10:5

I love all of you and wish you the best. See you next week! Also, shout out to my Mom for turning all of my emails into a Blog. You're awesome!

Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...