

Saturday, March 5, 2022

El Principio de mi misión otra vez


Wow this has been one of the craziest and probably most stressful weeks of my mission. Most of the stress has been just me putting it on myself but has been absolutely crazy. This was seriously the beginning of my mission again. Honestly, I had a lot of fun but high intense moments. So, let's just jump right into it.

So, as you know from the tearjerker that was last week as I left Elder Plaster, I am now in a Spanish ward called Alta Loma. It is in the northeast part of my mission which is pretty nice. It's relatively close to Elkhorn Springs which is where I first came out in the mission. The Stonemountain ward if you remember that. Those days were so fun. Yeah, but my new zone Shadow Hills is super close to that. My zone leaders are Elder Barney, who I honestly love and admire so much, and Elder Rehkow again. Haha I just keep following this guy around. He's awesome and so glad he is in my zone again. Yeah, but on top of serving in a Spanish ward I am also covering 3 out of valley English wards in Moapa Valley or called Logandale. We go out there in person every now and then. My apartment is super nice, Sister missionaries lived there before us, so they did a good job cleaning it, but it is a two-man apartment. No extra friends at night which is a huge adjustment. It's really not fun but it does give me more time to journal and study which is good. 

Logandale on Google Maps

Me leaving my mission on accident.
The red is my mission, and the blue dot is me.

Okay so Alta Loma is like starting my mission over again except it's more difficult. Obviously, it's not serving out of the country in a language you don't understand but for me this is pretty hard. I feel like I am a super hardworking missionary and can easily do what is asked of me but now I can't communicate with the people I'm teaching because my Spanish is terrible. It's so fun (not). I love teaching and now I just have to sit there and jump in when I understand what they are talking about. Uggh. Luckily my companion is completely fluent, so he carries a lot of lessons. I love my personal prayers though when I get to talk one on one with Heavenly Father every night. That's super helpful. I still like going into the closet to say my prayers out loud so no one can hear me and it's super impactful. I try to do it every night but sometimes things happen, and I can't. Elder Medina (my companion) thinks it's stupid, but I think really helps me so I'm going to keep doing it haha. We taught a lot of Spanish lessons this week and I could understand probably 25% of what people said and would chime in whenever I felt like it. The gift of tongues is real because words will be brought to my remembrance all the time which is so great. I attribute that to the powerful personal prayers I have every day where I earnestly plead for the gift of tongues. I really need it to teach, it's honestly crucial. 

My companion is a really interesting guy. Obviously, I really admire him and love him a lot but he is just super different. He's from Mexico but he grew up in Arizona. His Spanish is so cool to listen to, his English is also perfect as well. So, whenever we do language study (even though I insist he talks with me in Spanish) he just takes a nap. *sigh*. There are a lot of things that are super different between us, but I hope it doesn't stop us from working. This transfer is definitely going to be a memorable grind haha.

So, one of the most fun things we did this week was Sunday we went to Logandale which is about a one-hour drive from Vegas. Super cool to finally leave Vegas after a full year of living here. Coming back into it when it was night, and you could see all the lights was kinda cool. In Logandale there was so little light pollution you could just see the whole galaxy at night. That was fun. We drove there from 7:30 am til 8:45 am and made it on time to welcome people into sacrament meeting. We had 3 sacraments that day, so I got my spiritual fill of talks for a while. It was good and needed as we got to sit next to the people we were teaching who came. They were all so full of people since there are a lot of members there and that was cool to see. Everyone and their mom offered to feed us but unfortunately, we had to tell them that we only come to Logandale every two weeks and on Saturday and Sunday. This week we only came Sunday. Some members offered to let us stay the night there which is so kind of them. Logandale was really cool. It's a small tight community and most people know each other. It's awesome. Elder Medina really wants to see if we can go out there every week. I'm super down for that that would be fun. 

It's not honestly all bad haha, I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining. The bright side is that I get to learn Spanish! And we have a lot of people to teach! That's always super good. We also cover Logandale wards which is also super cool. There are a lot of members willing to help and feed us. When you look at the glass half full it's actually super awesome. Honestly it was a pretty long week and that's all I have to say. I love my comp, love my president, love the mission, love working, love the people. It's great. 

I mentioned it earlier but really prayer is something that I really look forward to now. That and personal study, those two things are super awesome. I get a lot of answers when I pray out loud. I've come to realize this week that this really isn't my work but it's actually the Lord's work. Always has been. After applying that this week, my stress has just melted away. It's been nice. Looking forward to next week.

Elder Neil Pack
Me in Logandale

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Beginning

 Hola mis amigos!! 

I don't have a lot of time to write but wow this week has blown me away. This is truly the end of something good and moving forward to something better. I am so scared and happy and nervous and excited. It's hard to explain my emotions. Well first of all Elder Plaster and I had the most incredible last week together reminiscing on good old days because we knew that we'd be split up. Just a wholesome week full of miracles in finding and teaching. It was stake conference and it was cool to see a huge stake event with all the wards. I love the Laurelwood, but the activity rate is kinda small. Nice to have a lot of people in church. 

My District

Me and Elder Plaster

We went to a place called Dave's Hot Chicken in Las Vegas and then got our transfer calls. It was honestly so crazy. Everyone in the zone is staying! Except me... I'm getting transferred to a new area. Elder Plaster's new companion is Elder Slack which is kinda funny because it rhymes with Elder Pack. Nice. Yeah, and my new companion is Elder Medina! He is from Mexico and speaks Spanish and English fluently. He has been 6 months on the mission. Can't wait to baptize so many people with Elder Medina. I am in the Shadow Hills zone and cover a lot of wards. A couple English ones and a Spanish branch called Alta Loma (which kinda translates to tall hill but the grammar is wrong). I also cover an out of valley ward in Moapa Valley or called Logandale. Kinda cool. Elder Medina and I are about to go off. He seems like such a beast. 

Exchanges with Elders Hughes and Pukahi

Our new apartment is a two man, so I hope Elder Medina likes me haha. Were about to spend a lot of time together. I've always lived in four man's my whole mission and now I get to be in a two. I've also almost been in every zone in the mission. I've been in Canyon Springs, Lone Meadows, Vegas, Shadow Hills, and Spring Lakes. Now I just need South Diamond and Red Desert. 
So excited for this transfer. Elder Medina and I are also going to only speak Spanish or at least as much as possible so I can learn quickly. I honestly thing that's why the Lord gave me Elder Medina so I can get along really well with someone and then learn really good Spanish. I'm also still the district leader which kinda sucks because I honestly have no idea what I am doing with the out of valley ward and the Spanish branch. All my district councils will have to be in Spanish, and I'm stressed as freak. 
Elder with a broken ball on his head

Our last day together with Elder Plaster was spent closing down the cockroach apartment. We then opened a brand new one which will be nice for Elder Plaster and Elder Slack. It literally took all day to clean apartment and take everything out. 

Moving from my apartment

A rubber chicken in our bathroom

Anyways I love you all, sorry it was short today. Can't wait for this week and to screw up over and over and over again. 

Elder Neil Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...