

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Lone Mountain Temple


This was a very good week. Saw lots of miracles and had more really awesome experiences. The heat is cooling down now and it's no longer blazing hot. I survived two Vegas Desert summers! That's so awesome. More people are outside now and it's actually enjoyable to be outside, I hope this means our finding and other efforts will increase. 

We had general conference this week. This will be my fourth and final general conference in the mission. We watched with a bunch of different members for each session and one of them was an inactive family. After watching a session, they mentioned how they would like to start coming back to church. Very cool! We also watched it with our investigator Cynthia in Sandy Valley, and she really liked the Sunday morning session. The talks really helped her out a lot. It's super amazing to see these experiences go on in people's lives and be a part of this great work. Not going to lie I definitely gained like 10 pounds from how many cinnamon rolls I ate during conference with the members. 
Watching General Conf. with a member

At the very end of conference, they announced that they will build a temple in Lone Mountain Nevada, that's in my mission! Very cool to hear that in my last transfer of my mission. Finally, a Las Vegas West temple. The east is cool but west is the best. Lone Mountain is a random mountain in the Westside of Las Vegas just chilling there and so it's super cool to hear that there will be a temple literally right next to it. That Lone Mountain hike will be even better now. I'm looking forward to attending that temple one day. 

Lone Mountain Temple site

The rest of my week was good. We had lots of experiences where we prayed and felt prompted to go to an area and then we found someone to teach. Very cool. We found a part member family not on record who wants to start coming back to church. We just got their records moved in so now the ward can start ministering to them and stuff. It's been a productive and good week. Being in the service of the Lord is always amazing. I love the mission. Cynthia also fasted with us last week so she could go to church on Sunday and get a new job. A new job then opened up to help her out and now she will attend church soon. Very cool! 

Also, we found out that there was a reason why those mines were closed up. Apparently, there are large amounts of radiation and uranium so we will not be attending the abandoned mines anymore.

Anyways so that was pretty much the entire week, I love my mission and my area. This is an amazing time to be serving.

Elder Neil Pack 
Me on Lone Mountain with the new temple site behind me.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Stay Out, Stay Alive


I've been thinking more and more about my life after the mission. I'm not trunky or anything like that. Trunky is just a term that means you want to go home. My thoughts are this: the day I leave will come when it comes. I'll be ready but I'm still going to work as much as I can these last few weeks that I have. Sometimes it's difficult with my companions. Lately my companions have been pretty lazy which is a bummer. Elder Muraski will grind if I grind but if I don't choose to go out or plan well then nothing really gets done. I love him haha but this is the life I'm in, I guess. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I feel like I work really hard and sometimes others don't have that same drive which is fine. I'm in my last transfer and Elder Muraski is in his second to last. His end is coming up around the corner. 

Anyways so what happened this week. Well, it was the first week after transfers and our roommate picked up his new missionary Elder Burns. He's a funny guy that is excited to work. I'm glad to live with Elder Maner and Elder Burns in my last transfer. It's kinda interesting to see the generation of missionaries that will live on after I leave. It's pretty surreal. I guess that how life goes though. I've started a program called 'MyPlan' for missionaries going home. It helps people transition to the real world. It's also super boring. Each zoom meeting for the MyPlan thing is on a different subject. One of the upcoming ones will be about dating which might be cool. :)

A tarantula some Elders in my zone found and now have as a pet.

Group picture at transfers

Elder Muraski and I also went to Sandy Valley again and taught our two investigators out there, Michelle and Cynthia. Cynthia is struggling to get time off from work on Sundays, so we fasted with her on Sunday for her to get work off. Hopefully she will soon. I'd really like to see her baptized before I go home. Michelle is attending church and progressing, she could be baptized this transfer as well. In Sandy Valley we saw a lot of more cool stuff, like abandoned mines and helicopters with turrets flying around. Basically, there is this helicopter tour place where you can pay to ride a helicopter and shoot from a turret at a mountain. I took a video of it but didn't get any pictures, it was really cool. It flew over our truck then just started going ham on the mountain. 

We didn't go into any areas that were marked DANGER.

A sign outside the mine. Stay Out, Stay Alive

Arial view of parts of Las Vegas

This is going to be a fun transfer. It sure is going to go by fast. I hope it doesn't go by too fast. 

Elder Neil Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...