

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Spiciest Wings


This was a very fun week. Our teaching pool is still mega dry but hey we have faith and were working hard. It's kind of hard to find people here. The members are awesome though and the area itself is mega fun. It's still kind of hot outside but it's not a big deal. We're driving a bright red 2022 Nissan Frontier, so we are big chillin'. 

We taught this Baptist preacher this week or just completely bashed the heck out of me and destroyed me. But then I bore down in pure testimony, and it was epic. He was a member referral, and we had a lesson in the church. He kind of fell away from the Baptist church a little so I thought he'd be down to listen but he's not really into the whole listening and humility thing. Hopefully he reads the Book of Mormon though. 

A member took us and our roommates out to Buffalo Wild Wings which was awesome. My companion Elder Muraski got the blazing hot wings, which is the hottest wings in the menu. I tried one and they were so spicy. It was insane. Afterwards my companion and I got Pepto Bismil to help his stomach. The wings were mega delicious though. That pretty much sums up every day for us. Members hook us up and then we do something ridiculously stupid. And then doing missionary work while doing so.

Elder Muraski is a very special Elder. Let's just say he's probably my most interesting companion ever. He has some habits that are interesting. But he's also probably one of my favorites. He's super awesome and hilarious. Definitely an interesting guy though.

Went to MLC (Mission Leader Conference) the other day. We spent four hours discussing important items in the mission, like the music rule in the mission. We discussed it for around an hour and didn't even come to a conclusion or change anything. It was sad. Our music rule in the mission is very strict so I was hoping they'd loosen it, but I guess not. We talked about lots of other stuff too that doesn't really matter but it was fun. Our mission leaders in this mission can be kind of disobedient which is kinda sad. But hey it's life. 

We went on exchanges with the APs this week. Elder Spafford is pretty cool guy and showed me some baller ways to use scriptures in our lessons. Also, Elder Spafford and I found a super elect person by following the spirit which was pretty cool. We were directed to this door to knock on and the guy who answered was super interested. It was awesome. It's moments like those that are moments to look back on after the mission.

The mission is super awesome. I love it. Can't wait for this next week.

Elder Neil Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...