

Saturday, July 30, 2022

I got evicted!


Yeah... so this has literally been the most depressing week ever. Like actually so sad. First of all, with missionary work wise, we had so many exchanges, meetings, and other stuff, Elder Dawson and I barely got to work in our area. Unfortunately, in our own area nothing is progressing. We have some hope for some interested people that we are teaching which will be good. We're so desperate for people to teach, we literally set up a lesson on our P-Day. It's like going into work on your day off, only psychopaths do that, and missionaries, I guess. Anyways, to give an update on who we are teaching, we are teaching a Mexican lady who lived in South Carolina for a long time. Elder Dawson is from there, so he is pretty excited about that. We had to drop a lot of part member families that we were teaching because they weren't progressing. That was sad. But you gotta drop them when they never ever go to church.

Yeah so, I also got evicted. Like actually. I'm still kind of upset about it but it's fine. Getting cut down like this will actually be good for me. Do you remember that super nice house I was living in with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, wifi, a massage chair, unlimited soda, and queen-sized beds? We got kicked out. Apparently, Brother and Sister Truman said they walked in one day and it was super dirty. They set up a house inspection after seeing the dirty home and so we cleaned the house hard. We even vacuumed and mopped everything; it was so nice. So, then they come in the next day for the inspection, takes a 5-minute walk around and gives us 3 days' notice. No second chances. So, we used more proselyting time to take out everything out of the house and move it into our new apartment, it's a two-person apartment so the APs aren't living with us anymore. Yeah, but I'm not salty haha... 

I could go on and on about how weird they were acting about it but it's safe to say no matter how clean we made that house; they were going to evict us. I'm kinda upset but I'll get over it and eventually I'll be at peace with it. Already now as I write this email, I see how all that eviction stuff really doesn't matter. This will be good, now that I'm in a two man in our area I'm definitely going to be more obedient. So, I'm actually excited about that. Gives me more time to journal and have really good studies. 

What else happened? Well, I went on exchanges with some struggling elders and had a great time. The non-hard working elders are for some reason the funniest, so it was actually kinda fun. Oh yeah, I remembered something that happened, a couple days before we got evicted, the Truman's dog came and peed all over my clothes. That was not fun.    

I had to take Elder Richard to urgent care. He was on bike for the day and almost broke his arm by biking into a wall. He almost broke his head too, good thing he was wearing his helmet because he literally hit the top of his helmet on the corner between two walls. He literally cracked the helmet. So, wear your helmet, it'll save your life. We drove up and took him to urgent care. I was really worried about him because is arm looked really bad and honestly looked fractured or broken. He got an x-ray and he's fine. Just really bruised. While in the waiting lobby, my companion and I then watched all of toy story because it was playing in the lobby. That was awesome. haha.

Elder Richard waiting at the hospital

And then finally during sacrament of an English ward I attended that day the speaker said a swear word over the pulpit. We invited lots of English people we found and then pulled up to sacrament meeting and it was wild. The talk that dude was giving was so wack and literally said his grandpa was seeing visions of Moroni and a lot of other stuff that probably shouldn't be said over the pulpit. Then he told this story about fishing and at the very end just yells S**T for the punchline of the story. Then he turns around to the bishop and says, "can I say that? Is that alright?" My companion was so close to go up to him afterwards to say something about how there's kids and nonmembers here so please plan your talk better, but he didn't which was probably a good idea. Well leave that discussion for the bishop.

So that was my week, pretty fun huh. These days are such a blur and I find it so weird how I keep waking up in a two man. But hey, life's life and we move on. Love you all. 

"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." -3 Nephi 5:13 

Elder Neil Pack 


Friday, July 29, 2022

I Sang in Zone Conference


Another week down. Time is flying by, I just hit my 20-month mark. So now things are getting really weird haha.... can't believe how fast it's gone. It's been so fun and powerful; I just hope these last few transfers don't go by too quickly. People look at me funny when I tell them I'm that far out. I usually just say I've been out over a year. Since I've basically emailed every single week of my mission, a lot of this stuff is pretty old so hopefully I can get creative with pictures and find some interesting things to talk about.

I went on exchanges with Elder Hughes. That guy is pretty cool. He's super funny. Anyways we went to the library to do our companion study when a loud noise exploded as we were walking into the front doors of the library. Behind us on the main street a pretty bad car accident just happened. It was super loud, and I turned around just in time to see a car spin around after getting hit, and another driving right up onto the sidewalk and knocking a whole palm tree over. I think everyone was okay, I'm sure the guy who hit the palm tree was in shock for sure. We ran over there to see if everyone was alright and called 911. It was super wild and kinda of a rush. I took some pictures and after the authorities came, then my companion and I walked inside to do companion study.
Picture of the car accident

I sang at zone conference this week. I've always wanted to and now I finally did it. It was super worth it because I thought I did a pretty decent job. The song was 'Savior, Pilot Me' in Spanish. I also gave a zone conference training for the first time with Elder Dawson. We cut out doors and taped them on the wall and trained on how to follow the spirit. The whole conference was on acting on promptings and receiving revelation. I thought the training was really good and probably one of the best ones I've ever given. It was a pretty fun zone conference.
Zone Conference training

Elder Dawson is really cool guy. We've been having a lot of fun together and we get along pretty well. He's good at leading other missionaries and he's on the gas with the work. My roommates, Elder Moa and Spafford are pretty cool too. Even though they're the assistants to the president, we've done some pretty crazy stuff together while living in this house.

I literally had the weirdest sacrament meeting of my mission this week. The counselor in the bishopric comes up and says we will not have any speakers or talks today. Elder Dawson and I both look at each other and are like what. Then he says people can come up and bare their testimony on one of the hymns in the hymnbook, then we will sing together the first verse of that Hymn. So, we ended up singing 8 or 9 different times. A lot of the songs were repeats too it was hilarious. Then one of the sisters comes up and brings the sister missionaries up too, and they all start talking about deep doctrine up there. They went off about the idea of a heavenly mother and a bunch of other stuff and I was like you have to be kidding me. We had investigators there too. Pretty cool sacrament meeting. Then in second hour the teacher didn't prepare a lesson, so we did open mic night on which scripture was our favorite.

Anyways, that was my week. Love you all and I'll see you next week!

Elder Neil Pack 

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...