

Thursday, December 10, 2020

My power levels are increasing!

 ¡Hola Amigos!

I'm back after another week at the Online MTC! Technically, since I'm at the Mexico MTC it is actually called the CCM, fun fact. I look forward to my classes every day. I am particularly fond of my afternoon class by Hermano Santander. He is so funny, and we get to play Kahoots in his class. Every class with him is just so fun. Although, sometimes he will pull a fast one on us and it can be pretty scary. For example, on the schedule, it will say that we are having a grammar lesson, but instead, he surprises us and has us teach a lesson to people over Zoom in Spanish. With no preparation or anything, he just sends us to a Zoom meeting and has us teach people who have no idea how to say anything in English. So that always keeps us on edge. 

Every chance I get, I try to study Spanish and read my scriptures. I am now realizing the importance of the book 'Preach my Gospel.' That book is literally so awesome. There are so many good doctrines and interesting stories in there. Plus, the lesson plans are in there too so that is pretty important. I'm learning so much and harnessing my skills. The more I practice Spanish and learn, the more knowledge and power I gain. My gospel teaching abilities and scripture references are growing and pretty soon, my ultimate power will be immeasurable!!!. Haha just kidding... hopefully one day I'll be able to speak fluent Spanish though, that'd be awesome. I'm not going to sugar-coat anything, but Spanish is hard people. This is taking my whole brain! Although, now I can have conversations with people, so that's pretty cool. The only problem is I stutter like crazy. I'm sure I'll get it down with more practice though.

My District is basically the coolest district ever. We have so much fun together and I have grown to love all of these people. They have become good friends, even though I have actually never met them in person. Two people in my district are actually going to the same mission in Las Vegas, so maybe I will get to see them after the CCM! My companion, Elder Zuniga, is also going to the same mission I am, which is an interesting coincidence. Everyone else in the district is going to Puerto Rico, Chile, or Ohio, or something like that. I am excited for Las Vegas, Nevada though. That will be way awesome. Elder Zuniga and I have a lot of fun and I am so glad he is my companion. 

I have to memorize a lot of stuff as a missionary. I don't think I have ever memorized so much stuff in my life. After all this studying though, I can recite Moroni 10:5, The First Vision, The Mission Purpose, The Baptismal Covenants, and Doctrine & Covenants Section 4 in Spanish from memory. My brain is overflowing with Spanish memorizations. Whenever I am not studying or practicing, I am spending time with my family or playing the piano. I feel like I would never say this before, but now I am actually enjoying practicing the piano. I really like to just pick up a book and sight-read it or learn a really cool song. I wish I felt this way when I was taking piano lessons. I look forward to it every day. Spending time with my family has always been so incredible too. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.  

It was hard at first, but we have slowly adjusted to the passing of Elder Pope. Even though life in the district has seemingly returned to normal, there will still be a hole without Elder Pope. I am thankful for everyone who prayed for his family. I know they really appreciated it. The Pope family has received so much love in this time of need and they have so much peace. I hope that in my future family, I can have a strong testimony of my Savior so when the unthinkable happens, I can feel peace.

I wanted to share a scripture that just came into my head: John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

We are all children of our Father in Heaven and He loves us all. He gave his only begotten Son, so that we may obtain eternal life. Just as the Son of God suffered, we will go through suffering. Life is hard and things will happen that will test your faith and abilities. But, we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and I know that He does not give us anything that we can't push through. These hard experiences happen so we can learn and grow. I know this to be true.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my thoughts. I am thankful for all of you and will see you next week!

Elder Pack

Elder Zuniga and I trying to see who can balance something on our heads the longest

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...