

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Longest Week Ever


Wow this was a long week. Which is weird because technically my week started on Tuesday instead of Monday, so my week should have been shorter. It felt really long though. Tuesday happened and we all did the whole transfer thing and went to a church building and switched stuff around and then dipped to their new assignments. Elder Plaster and I only had to go to pick up our new car. It's a 2019 Chevy equinox. It's pretty cool. All the other cars I've driven are 2020 and 2021 so this one might be one of the older vehicles I've been using. Elder Plaster is the designated driver which is awesome. I hate driving in Las Vegas and I prefer having the SIM card. Usually they split the responsibilities between the two in the companionship, one drives, the other one takes phone calls and sends messages. 

My new apartment is alright. Not as nice as the last one. I've been very blessed to have lived in 4 man apartments my whole mission and I've really liked all my roommates. This one I'm in is a bit older but isn't as bad as the one I lived in during the summer. There is a reason we retired that apartment, that one was an old fart. This one isn't too bad. The apartment I had when I picked up Elder Plaster (so last transfer) was by far the best one I've been in. It's super nice. The Church literally just bought it. My new roommates are Elder Rehkow and Sorensen. Living with my trainer again has been pretty fun. Talking about old times and stuff we missed out on. We've both changed a lot. Elder Sorensen is cool too. This transfer goes all the way through Christmas and New Years which is super cool. I will spend New Years Eve and day with Elder Rehkow again, just like last year. Maybe we will try to play Jenga again, haha. 

Yeah this week just felt super long for some reason. Like we were outside alot finding and didn't have any lessons or members lessons so we were just finding. It just felt super long. We found a lot of interested people but not a lot of progressing people. We found a lady named Dora who was cool and a guy named Rafael. They were pretty cool. We are just going to have to spice things up and start doing some other ways to find. Street Contacting and going home to home all day isn't producing the outcomes I'd hope for. But we atleast we have interested people which is good. 

Nothing really funny or interesting happened. The car is cool and so is my distinct and zone. Elder Plaster is awesome. Just a recipe for a great transfer but just not really a whole lot is going on with the work. It might be because Christmas is coming up but I really don't want to use that as an excuse. Because if they're elect people then it doesn't matter what time of year it is. I haven't had a baptism recently and I'm getting kinda sad about it, I really want to help Elder Plaster teach and take someone to the waters of baptism. I definitely have the faith, hope, and diligence for it but I guess I just need to be more patient. Missionary work is definitely hard mentally. 

But honestly I shouldn't complain, this transfer is awesome and I shouldn't really be complaining. I'm working as hard as I can and I think that's enough. Elder Plaster and I are always outside in the area and talking with as much people as we can. So we are doing our part. Speaking of the area, I'm super glad we have the car. We almost live out of the zone and have to drive 15 minutes to get to our area. So it's nice having a car for that. The area is a lot bigger than Willows but still super small. Laurelwood is fun. 

I think this week we are going to try some new ways to find people to teach. It's kind of depressing having a drought of super spiritual experiences and lessons. But hey, atleast I have an awesome companion. I laugh so many times a day. 

Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...