

Thursday, February 25, 2021

I got the cops called on me.

 ¡Hola todos!

Its so cliché to say how fast these weeks fly by but it's true. This has been the fastest few months of my life. Its been really great and humbling at the same time. I feel like everywhere I go I realize how blessed I am. I also feel like I don't deserve these incredible blessings. One of the biggest lessons I've learned from my time on the mission is to treat every moment sacred. I've taken a lot of moments in my life for granted to be honest.

This week there really isn't much to report. We are still teaching Adrianna and we just got in contact with a person who was taught previously by different elders. So now we have two people we are teaching! Let's go! We also spend a lot of time helping and talking to inactive families. We're still helping in early morning Seminary with the youth. What's fun about that is this Wednesday we're teaching a full Seminary class on D&C 18. So that's hype. It will be our first time teaching a full class for 40 minutes. We were also asked to lead a fireside for all the youth in the stake this Saturday night so we're pretty much stacked this week. Hopefully they all go well. 

I'm pretty sure some guy called the police on us last week. Elder Rehkow and I were just walking around in a neighborhood and ran into a interesting gentleman getting out of his car in his driveway. We were walking on the side walk and said Hello to him as we walked past him. He looked up and then got super angry. He then walked up to us and asked if we were invited here. Confused by the question, we just looked at him. He asked it again if we were invited. We said we were just walking around and enjoying the nice day. We then had a pretty awkward conversation and we walked off. (Keep in mind its perfectly legal to walk on the side walk) He was convinced it was illegal for us to be walking around. Some people just really don't like us I guess. All we wanna do is share a message of hope to people in need. 

After a couple minutes of walking down the street we walked past a cop driving past and he parked at the house where the man lived. We never talked with the cop because we eventually rounded the corner and walked off but were pretty sure that guy called the cops on us for saying hello. 
The view out my apartment window

That was pretty much the big highlight of the week. Everything else was same old stuff. P-Day though was pretty fun. Elder Rehkow and I went golfing again with those same guys. I still sucked at it and got made fun again, but hey we're chilling. Then we played pickleball again later that day. That was cool. Pickleball is a lot of fun. We also went crazy on the apartment and cleaned it. Elder Rehkow rearranged the whole apartment and moved the desks and tables around. What's weird is that cleaning is more fun when its your apartment. Growing up, doing chores was lame but now that I'm living on my own, its kinda hype to clean the shower and toilet. 

Our now very clean apartment

Anyways I wanted to share something interesting I found during my personal study a couple days ago. Its an experience from a latter-day prophet named Gordon B. Hinckley. "While President and Sister Hinckley were going from a chapel to an airport in Central America, their vehicle was involved in an accident. A truck that was loaded on top with unsecured metal rods approached them at an intersection. To avoid a collision, its driver suddenly stopped the truck, launching those iron rods like javelins to pierce the Hinckley's car. Windows were smashed; fenders and doors were dented. The accident could have been very serious. While shattered glass was being removed from their clothing and skin, President Hinckley said: "Thank the Lord for His blessing; now let’s continue on in another car.’"

I laugh whenever I read this story, not because he almost died, but because of what he said after a near death experience. He was so chill about it and was completely more focused on continuing on with his task. I relate this to tasks that the Lord asks of us. Do we complain after a minor inconvenience or do we march forward just as triumphantly? I know for a fact that the Lord doesn't give us something we can't handle. He wants us to learn and grow. We should have the same mindset as President Hinckley and continue on with faith and trust even if the adversary throws everything he can at us. 

I love you all so very much and I look forward to writing you next week.

Elder Pack

Bunny selfie

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...