

Monday, December 6, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving


Well that was probably the fastest transfer of my mission, these things just keep on flying by. I am so excited for this transfer though. Like, I am soooo excited. On Saturday we got our transfer calls and Elder Rehkow and Flores told us we'd be transferred... sort of. Elder Plaster and I are still sticking together (which is AWESOME) but we are leaving the Willows Ward and going to the Laurelwood Ward. Apparently, I was supposed to be in the Laurelwood Ward and then I got put in Willows but now I am here which is good. We had to change apartments so I wouldn't be living with Elder Carter and Schmutz anymore (which is sad) but now I will be living with Elder Sorenson and Rehkow. That is so cool and rare! I'm living with my trainer again. Out of over 230 something missionaries what are the odds of me living with him again. I am so excited. Also we get a car! Yay. Life is good. We got a white Equinox which is so sick. I am excited for this transfer. I'm still the District Leader which is fun, I like it a lot now. And some old friends from the beginning of my mission are in my District now.

My District

So last transfer was a tough experience for me. Not physically, just mentally. We grinded but couldn't find any success. We had a couple of people to teach. Lots of miracles for sure but not any miracles that led to the waters of baptism that transfer. Of course we planted some MAJOR seeds, we didn't really get to see the fruits of those. However, I know that those people we ran into and taught will progress and I hope they choose to be baptized. What's cool is a lot of the people I have taught previously have gotten baptized. Like Eric and his friends from when I was in Evergreen. Also Buddy from when I was in Evergreen got baptized which was cool since we started teaching him first. I don't even know how many seeds and other chain of events I am starting. 

I increased my humility and faith a lot this transfer which is good. (Those are the two Christlike attributes I was trying to work on). Now I want to study virtue and meekness (meekness is basically teachable). 

Anyways what happened this past week, well not a whole lot. Let's see... oh yeah Thanksgiving happened.

So Thanksgiving was awesome, we went to the Bishop's house and our Mission President told us it was okay to spend as much time as we wanted at members homes eating Thanksgiving and sharing messages. So we spent a decent amount of time with the Jones hanging out. We taught their kids how to rub their fingers on wine glasses and then make really annoying noises. It was so awesome but Brother and Sister Jones thought it was less awesome. The food was awesome and it will definitely be known as one my most memorable Thanksgivings ever. This Christmas will be memorable too and I'm excited.

This transfer I am just going to go off with Elder Plaster. I can't express to you how much I appreciate Elder Plaster. He is so awesome. This is definitely the best parts of my mission so far. Great zone, great companion, great area, life is good. Don't get be wrong all my other companions are my best homies. I love all of them so much and I am definitely hanging out with them after the mission. 

Our Taco Bell sauce tower

It's kinda cool being more than a year out and now people respect me. I feel like a cool kid now haha. Nah, I'm just joking. I love my mission so much. I love who I am becoming. 

Elder Pack

Sunday, December 5, 2021

I almost got stabbed by a man!


I hit my one year mark! This is so awesome! Now I feel special! 

The end of the transfer is coming. Which means Elder Plaster and I get our transfer details in a week. If I get split from Elder Plaster I'm going to be so sad. Might cry honestly. He's so funny and I love him so much. I know I say it every email but it's true. He's honestly become one of my best friends. This transfer has been awesome. Loved training again. Really liked being a district leader, even though for the first 3 weeks I had no idea what I was doing. I basically figured out how to make councils and now it's dope. I don't have a lot of time so it's time to write a short email really fast. 

Angela got back to us and we had a powerful lesson. We finally had dinner with our ward mission leader Brother Erickson. The ward has been good and now we're finally finding a decent amount but no one progressing really quickly. Life is still just really awesome and I'm not depressed so that's good. We also served at a primary activity and I got to ride a hand wagon pulled by 8 year olds. It was so fun.

I had a two cool experiences, one where we were biking around and I was trying to teach Elder Plaster how to follow the spirit. I want to make sure Elder Plaster has all of my tips and tricks just in case I leave. Following the spirit is tough. Basically the spirit is usually the first thought that pops into your head that is something you wouldn't typically think. The second voice is usually the adversary. It tells you that the thing you thought was something stupid and won't work. So we were biking and we passed a U-Haul and I had a thought to follow the U-Haul so I looked back and yelled at Elder Plaster to follow the U-Haul. So we did and then when the lady parked in front of her house she got out and we asked her if we could help. She said that there was no way she could do it all by herself and that she has been praying that God would send angels to help her. We said "well here we are, so how can we help?" It was a cool story to show Elder Plaster how to follow the spirit. 

Another story is when I almost got stabbed by a man during our lesson. We met with a guy who was really lonely and needed some friends but also told us he was suffering mentally. So then in the middle of the lesson he yelled "what if I just grabbed this knife here..." and lunged towards Elders Plaster and I. I was ready to die. But he basically just wanted to do a weird knife object lesson. I love the guy and all but it was really scary. 

Elder Carpenter

Check out this hamster!

Anyway, I know this email was short but I love my mission and I love my time here! 

-Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...