

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Years in Vegas!

 Hola a todos!

It has been quite some time since I last sent an email and I'm so sorry about that. These past few days have been pretty insane and I can only email on p-day, which is Mondays. I have to send emails from my phone too since I don't have a computer so hopefully by the time you read this my mom can catch all of my typos. 

Last I wrote to you all was before Christmas so that's really weird. It just shows how fast this year will fly. Since then, I had an excellent testimony meeting with my district and we all said our goodbyes. It was pretty hard saying goodbye to all those people. I felt the spirit in that meeting and I know that all of those people are going to do great things. Then on December 30th, I headed to the airport with my family to say our final goodbyes. It was so hard. But I know at some point in life, we all will have to walk down that lonesome road all by ourselves. For some of us, we already have, and for others, it has yet to come. 

Saying goodbye to my family

That day was one of the longest days ever. After driving and dropping me off at the airport at 5:30 AM Illinois time, I was on a plane and in the airport until 12:30 PM Las Vegas time. I remember the first plane ride and the layover were shorter than I'd thought they would be but still pretty long. My plane had like 10 other missionaries on it so that was cool. 

After arriving in Las Vegas, we all met up with all the other missionaries that arrived that day. What's awesome is I ran into Elder Zuniga (my companion from the MTC) in Las Vegas! It was an awesome reunion. We got to catch up and then we both got a ride from the Mission President to the Las Vegas Temple and then had lunch. After lunch I said goodbye to Elder Zuniga and met my new companion, Elder Rehkow (pronounced Rico). Elder Rehkow is pretty fun and his Spanish is pretty great. Listening to his Spanish kinda makes me feel like trash, but I'm getting better. 
President and Sister Reese

The new incoming group of missionaries

My first apartment is actually super sweet. Elder Rehkow is new to this area as well so that's interesting. When we first got here, it smelled so horrible inside and there was trash and stuff just everywhere. But then we spent the whole day cleaning and now it is such a nice apartment. The previous people in there must have just not cared at all. The other elders in my apartment are nice too. Elder Thayne and Elder Whipple. To describe them just think about some stereotypes of people with those last names and you're probably right. They're great though and we've had so many laughs. We've also gotten super great at playing Jenga. All four of us celebrated New Years Eve by playing Uno Flip and Jenga. 
Elder Whipple about to lose at Jenga

New Years Jenga

Pics of our apartment


Most people think that the Las Vegas mission will consist of us going down to the strip and trying to preach to sinners but that is not where we will go ever. Las Vegas has so many members of our church and it's pretty great. I have been fed by them almost every night. One night we were all four walking around  Walmart to get some food and a member offered to buy us so much food. She literally bought us bagel bites, pizza rolls, and basically everything. I feel so blessed to be here. 

Well, before I head out to a new week in the field, I want to share a spiritual thought with all of you. Words of Mormon 1:7 "And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, He worketh in me to do according to his will." 
I do not know all things or anything which will come. I'm putting my faith in Him to carry me through this. My life is in completely in his hands now. 

I love all of you, and hope you all had a Happy New Year!
Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...