

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

It's Nerf or Nothing baby!!


I hope you all are doing well! This week has been an excellent week in Las Vegas! It's always so hard to sum up everything that happened in the week so hopefully I don't forget anything. Unfortunately, we still haven't found anyone to teach. Last week, we found individuals to teach and it fell through. They decided not to meet us which is kinda lame. Its fine though, I have faith there is someone in our area who is ready to hear about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Since we have no one to teach, we spend a huge chunk of our time looking for people and meeting with members. 

This ward is huge! We still haven't met with everyone after like 4 weeks. Everyone that we meet is so cool. The families really like having the Elders over so that's pretty awesome. We are still getting fed all the time! I weighed myself yesterday and I gained 5 pounds. Which is good I guess, I could use the weight. The youth in this ward are super awesome too! We got to go to early morning seminary during the week and teach some high schoolers. Its so funny because they treat me like I am so much older than them but I'm like only a year older. A couple months ago, I was literally just working and playing video games. I'm not that much different than them haha.

Elder Rehkow and I went to Walmart this week and Elder Rehkow found a sweatshirt he wanted to buy. We went to the self checkout and turns out it was only $1! We asked to see if it was supposed to be a dollar and a worker said it was. So Elder Rehkow looked at me and told me to run and grab another one haha. We took it back to the apartment and cut the sleeves off of one of them. So it looked like a tank top sweatshirt and it looked so funny. We're basically custom fashion designers. We then called a member and asked if we could come over and tie dye the other one. Its not done drying yet so you will be able to see the final product next week. Hopefully it looks good!
Tie dying our sweatshirt

There was a bunch of other fun stuff that happened this week too. We did some service for a guy in our stake. We cut down a bunch of trees in his front yard and installed some sprinklers in his backyard. I totally went ham on the trees in his yard.
Just working hard cutting down some trees

Elder Muraski being a stud

Later on P-Day we had a nerf gun war in the church gym. We turned the tables and chairs into barricades and walls. It was pretty wild.
Our Nerf course in the gym

Also some guys in our ward took us golfing for the first time and I just wanna say, golfing is actually kinda fun. I was awful, but it was fun. Elder Rehkow was decent but we both basically sucked. We got to drive the golf carts and pretty quickly we found out how to do some Tokyo Drift maneuvers around the courses. Those carts had some kick!

Golf Selfie!

Towards the end of that week we had zone conference. For people who don't know, its basically the whole zone gets together and has a conference on how we can be better missionaries. This conference had like 6 zones so there was a lot of missionaries there. It was really good and I learned a lot. 

Our Zone at Zone Conference

I want to you all to know that I love and care about you. In this world there is a lot of darkness and its so easy to feel lost. Especially now, I feel times are uncertain. I believe though that there is a way to find light in the darkness. That light can be found through Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings me so much light and I want to share that light we others. If you ever get the time, I recommend you all watch the video "The Miracle of Hope" by Jeffrey R. Holland. You can find it on YouTube or on churchofjesuschrist.org. Elder Holland really is an apostle of Jesus Christ in the Latter-days. I recommend you all watch it and ponder about its message. You can even share it with others who need a message of hope right now. 

I love you all and pray for you daily, keep being incredible people!

Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...