

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Teaching Pool is Kinda Dry.....


Not going to lie, it is really hard to find people to teach in this ward. Luckily I have Elder Plaster to keep me smiling, but if I didn't have Elder Plaster I would straight up not be having a good time. I'm used to other areas where people will listen to you but here mostly everyone just runs away or doesn't want to be bothered or yells at us. Not really anyone willing to listen. There are a lot of families here which is cool, hopefully we can find one that will listen. The people we have right now are some of the most coolest ever. When we first ran into them they seemed elect but they all have been ghosting us now. I'm not jazzed about that. One of them was a family that straight up told us they wanted to join our church so we had an awesome first lesson but we couldn't get a return appointment and now it has been two weeks. I'm about to throw some hands. I just more or less feel bad for Elder Plaster because he really isn't getting any teaching experience. (Other than the roleplays I do with him and the occasional willing to listen guy). At the end of the day it's whatever, I just feel bad for him. We have a couple of other people that we want to teach to but they just need to get back to us so I guess we'll have to drop them. 

Let's see, what are the highlights for the week. Elder Plaster totally destroyed his bike earlier. We were riding out of an apartment complex and all of a sudden his gears in the back tire just broke and the switcher thingy broke off. It was pretty bad so we ended up calling a member and he gave us a ride back to our apartment. That was pretty lame. We're going to go in on P-Day and demand them to fix the dumb bike. 

I crashed again this week haha. I don't know what's been up with me lately but I guess I'm prone to crashing. I was on exchanges again with an elder in my district and we were at the top of this huge hill. At the bottom of this huge grass hill in this park, we could see a guy walking away. I was like, we need to talk to this guy. So I start zooming down the hill and circle in front of this guy. I'm going pretty fast. I pull out a card while I am in front of him and yell "What's up?" Then I hit the brakes to slow down because I am zooming. I slow down on the front and I basically cause my bike to completely flip forward and it throws me over the handle bars. I am completely on the ground with the bike upside down over me and the guy just looks at me and walks away. Doesn't even laugh or anything. I really wanted to give him that card. :) 
Elder Plaster's broken bike

Making district councils has gotten a lot easier. I was pretty stressed at first but then I realized that I shouldn't do it like people I'm not, I should do it like me. So after that I've been able to make them easier. I really like my district, they are beasts. Everyone is so awesome and hard working missionaries. They all find and baptize, it's super cool. Having Elder Rehkow has my zone leader has been awesome. Love serving around him again.

Spring Lakes Zone

Love my experiences with Elder Plaster. He is so funny and awesome. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Hopefully I'm a good trainer for him. I know he is enjoying his time but I really also wanted to give him lots of teaching experience and especially a baptism. Hopefully I'm with him another transfer and we can get him a baptism. I know that we can do it but it's going to take a lot of work. I'd honestly be down to rock a 3 transfer with Elder Plaster. I'd be so hyped with that.
Me and a creepy clown

Elder Lutter

I had a pretty cool experience where I got to do a baptismal interview for a guy named Manuel. The interview was so long because his life story was pretty cool. His testimony of the gospel was awesome to. Being able to interview him was such a cool experience and I won't ever forget it. Honestly, now that I've been out for a year I realize what they mean about these precious experiences. I have been having the most coolest experiences ever and I wouldn't have had them if I never left. It's pretty cool. Some insane things that I thought I'd never do or see. I just hope I'm not wasting it. I've been out for a year. I'm halfway done. Did I try my hardest in the past year? Did I waste a year of my mission? I don't think so, hopefully I can go the hardest I can for the next year. I really want to teach people though so Elder Plaster and I better find some people or I'm going to flip out. I know in other missions and areas people barely have any teaching and baptisms but I feel like that's not an excuse for my area. The people are there. I know they are, just need to find them. Las Vegas West is a baptizing mission, there are plenty of people outside, we need to find the elect one. 

"9 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you—there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper;
10 And if any man lift his voice against you he shall be confounded in mine own due time.
11 Wherefore, keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Even so. Amen."
Doctrine and Covenants 71: 9-11

Elder Pack    

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...