

Thursday, April 29, 2021

I got the vaccine! (Part One)


Another week has gone by again! A lot of great stuff has happened this week! We put Mia on date to be baptized and were trying to meet with her friend Allison again. Bill had a decent restoration lesson and said he was considering being baptized. Right now things are just going great! Adrianna's mom is still ghosting us and Jackie is completely off grid. Other than that life is good. 

So right now missionaries can now get the vaccine! It's been encouraged that we do that so I decided to go do that. I got the first shot of the Maderna vaccine and haven't noticed anything weird yet so that is cool. I'll let you guys know if I grow a 3rd arm or start flying. Right after the shot my arm hurt a little but after a day it wore off. I'm going to get my 2nd shot in May. I'm hoping everyone gets vaccinated here in Nevada so we can take these masks off haha. 

So after our flooding incident a while back we called the apartment complex and complained. They said they would send someone to replace it! The next day after coming back to the apartment, we noticed that we got a completely new washing machine. I've never been so excited to do laundry in my life!

Were still going to Seminary and working at the Spanish resource center so that's pretty fun. The Seminary kids are almost graduated! That is so weird, I feel like I just graduated but here I am watching the next Senior class dip out. It's pretty cool being here for so long and having everyone know you. Its pretty awesome.

Another thing that is pretty awesome was watching the YSA elders get to baptize someone we knew. We met this guy playing basketball a couple months ago, and after beating him, we invited him to church and now he got baptized in the YSA (Young Single Adults) ward! He is such an awesome guy and seeing him have so many new friends in that ward is so awesome.

This week I did exchanges with Elder Michaelson. It was probably the best exchange I ever went on. It was so fun. Elder Michaelson and I are super similar and we like the same things so that was cool. He's going back home soon so he is going to ask president to see if for his last transfer him and I could be together. Elder Michaelson's original assignment is Guatemala and some of his experiences there were insane.

So I got some bad news today. I got a call from the Assistants to the President and they said I was going to be transferred early this week. An elder went back to his original assignment so his companion needs and a companion. They called me to be his new companion so now I am headed to the Evergreen Ward in Vegas Zone. My new companion's name is Elder Caldwell and I'm pretty excited to meet him! Hopefully I can do this. haha I'm pretty nervous.

I don't really have a spiritual thought today but I do want to share my testimony. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the original church that Jesus set up when he was on the earth. There really is a God and He speaks to us today. We can receive answers to our prayers and I see miracles everyday. 

Sorry if this email felt a little rushed today. I didn't have a lot of time to write and I need to pack since I'm getting transferred to the Vegas zone. I love all of you and hope you all have an excellent week!

Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...