

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Back on a bike (sort of)


I love fall so much! Seriously, it's so awesome. Growing up in Iowa, the leaves were so awesome when they changed colors and then it starts to get a little chilly. Here, it's still pretty hot actually. So nothing really changes color here. The palm trees are still just there. A lot of people hate the palm trees here which I find is a little odd.. It's slowly cooling down. It's still occasionally in the 90s and 80s but won't touch triple digits for a while. Which is good. Life is just good right now. Really good. Anyways not a whole lot happened this week, but still a good week nonetheless so let's just get right into it. 

So starting off, our teaching pool is pretty limited. We had one guy who used to be on date but he is NOT ready yet. He will one day but not now. People in Las Vegas struggle with some stuff sometimes. Anyways his name is Isaac and he's awesome. We love Isaac. He knows it's true but just has to sort some stuff out first. Then we have another guy named Rick and he is so cool too. Rick is completely blind but loves meeting with us. He might be able to be baptized next transfer but we'll see. He prayed about the Book of Mormon and got a yes answer which was pretty sweet. Finally there is Josh. Josh is also a super cool guy. He's hilarious too and asks a lot of questions. So many questions we just kinda sit there and answer his questions. He is progressing super slowly but still progressing. So these are our most progressed people. Josh, Rick, and Isaac. Everyone else we had to drop, including Amber which was mega sad.

So actually the way we found Josh was kind of cool. So Elder Wheeler and I just finishing knocking on a member house and then as we're walking back to the car Elder Wheeler says, "Hey, let's just keep walking around." So I'm like alright. So we walk around for a little bit and then Josh comes out of his house on the phone and is like, "Hey wait!!!" He comes walking up to us and puts the phone down. "You have been trying to call me to meet with me, I wasn't ready at first but I am now." It was pretty cool. Meeting with him is always an adventure too. One time he had a Donald duck costume on for work or something. 

So something else happened this week which was super cool. So we were looking through our area book and found someone named Regina. I felt like I knew this person so I was checking her timeline and then it hit me. This is Gracie's mom! Remember Gracie from when I was with Elder Rehkow? We had an opportunity to teach and baptize a girl named Gracie. Her mom and step dad live in the Cheyenne ward boundaries! I was like wait what... this is so trippy. So Elder Wheeler and I drove to her house and knocked the door. They answered the door and they also remembered me! They were like "oh you're the Elder that spoke at Gracie's baptism" and I was like "yah!" and so right now we're trying to teach them but we will see how it goes. Just an interesting thing to think about. What are the odds that I'm in her ward? It's wild. 

Yeah so Elder Wheeler and I are on a bike again. Only for a little bit though haha. We are getting the truck back. We ran out of miles to use in the car so we're biking around. It was pretty fun to relive my glory days with Elder McGee. That's when I hit my peak. I peaked with that Elder. It was nice to also give Elder Wheeler a perspective on how biking is. Now he doesn't take the car for granted haha. I love the truck. Life's great right now. I've actually gotten pretty good at biking. When you bike everyday for 12 weeks straight, you get pretty good at it.  I can bike without holding my handlebars and text and bike at the same time. It's sweet. 

So I actually have some AMAZING news. I was still pretty bummed out that I couldn't go to the temple a couple weeks ago but then I got an email Friday. I am going to the Las Vegas Temple on the 13th!! So awesome! I'm so excited. Life is honestly so exciting right now. I've literally only been through the temple once and now I get to go again.

Also General Conference was this week. So awesome. Such a powerful weekend. I took a lot of notes and now I'm gonna apply them in my life. We watched with a bunch of different members but the Saturday afternoon session we watched with one of our friends. He really wanted to watch conference so we came over and watched it. But when we came over he was super drunk so we turned it on and watched it anyways. He wasn't opposed to it (however his agency was a little hindered) so we watched it with him. I hope he got something out of it. He was pretty plastered. But he was also intently listening and even talked about some of the talks afterwards. So I think that was a mission accomplished. Then we had another Word of Wisdom lesson afterwards. :) 

Anyways, just an awesome week and a lot of memorable experiences. Life is amazing right now. Like always, I like to share something afterwards so here is a great scripture:

"For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation" -D&C 82:3

Even though life is great and awesome, much is required of me. You always have to stay on the GAS. Anyways. I love you all and am so thankful you read my emails. It means everything to me.

Elder Pack 
Lone Meadows Zone at Zone Conference

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...