

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

It's Hot and Wet.


It's nice to finally write again this week. A lot of interesting things happened this week and I saw some pretty awesome miracles. Always forget to take pictures but I took some decent pictures this week. It's still kinda hot but not as hot as last week. Last week was nightmare fuel. This week wasn't so bad. We actually got some rain so that was interesting. It rained for like 10 minutes and then it stopped. Apparently there is supposed to be a stormy rainy season during the summer but were still in a huge drought here. Elder McGee loves the rain and so we went outside for a little bit. My life is so different than my life last year. I feel like sometimes I'm living someone else's life. Like I look in the mirror and it's me (besides the fact that I'm sunburned 24/7) but I just feel so different. It's hard to explain. 

There are quite a few people were teaching and if it were up to me I'd drop a lot of them because they are not progressing but Elder McGee wants to keep them. We have a couple individuals that are promising, most of them have specific situations that are holding them back and need a miracle. Amber is one of those people, she is ready to be baptized but just needs to work on one thing. Once she gets that sorted out she can be baptized. Elder McGee and I are waiting for a miracle. Cody is another one that really needs a miracle. What's cool is that Cody has been being taught by missionaries for over two years and he came to church for the first time last week. He has never gone to church before. Our mouths dropped when we saw him walk through those doors. I couldn't believe it. One kid that we meet with is named Wyatt. Wyatt is so cool and his family wants to get him baptized. His family has been inactive so we knocked on their door and now we're talking to the whole family and getting them to church. Wyatt hasn't ever been baptized and so we are teaching him so he can have a desire to be baptized. 

We gave another talk in sacrament meeting. We had to take 35 minutes so Elder McGee and I each spoke for 16 minutes. Elder McGee's talk was pretty awesome! I love speaking and I felt I gave a pretty fire talk as well. We dropped some bars over the pulpit for sure. We talked about how we gained our testimonies and it was a very spiritual experience. I talked about how I read the Book of Mormon and prayed over it for the first time and got an answer. Some guy came up to us afterwards and told us he was literally crying during it and I was like whoa bruh. It was a really good talk for Cody and everyone of our other friends there.

My companion Elder McGee is such an awesome guy. I love working with him.

None of my previous companions really laughed at my sense of humor so I was a little depressed every now and then but Elder McGee laughs at my jokes! I know that sounds kind of selfish and childish but it means a lot to me when my companion laughs with me. He's pretty hilarious too so it just makes every dull moment full of energy. I feel like myself again and it's refreshing.


Well other than the rain and heat, not really anything happened. I gave a talk and we saw a bunch of scorpions and lizards at the church.

Really I'm just chilling here. So, I wanna share a quote from the prophet that I used in my talk: 

"...choose to believe in Jesus Christ. If you have doubts about God the Father and His Beloved Son or the validity of the Restoration or the veracity of Joseph Smith’s divine calling as a prophet, choose to believe and stay faithful. Take your questions to the Lord and to other faithful sources. Study with a desire to believe rather than with the hope that you can find a flaw in the fabric of a prophet’s life or discrepancy in the scriptures. Stop increasing your doubts by rehearsing them with other doubters. Allow the Lord to lead you on your journey of spiritual discovery.
...act in faith. What would you do if you had more faith? Think about it. Write about it. Then receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith."

Just a fire quote. Very inspiring for sure haha. Thank you so much for reading my email and I'm sorry I couldn't write about any more interesting stuff. It's just one or those weeks I guess haha. Anyways, I love you all and hope you have an excellent week!

Elder Pack 

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...