

Sunday, September 12, 2021

I'm Training!

 Hola otra vez,

This week so much changed. I feel like things are going a totally new direction but also I'm excited. I have a weird mix of emotions. First of all, I got my transfer details for this new transfer and I'm so excited. Good news is Elder McGee is finally going to his original assignment: Toronto Canada! But the bad news is I'm losing a good friend. I've loved working with Elder McGee. He is so funny and he works hard which is fantastic! He made being on bikes in 117 degrees so sweet. I'm going to miss him. He is going to Canada pretty soon so I'm getting a new companion in the Cheyenne ward. I will be training a new missionary in the Cheyenne ward! Apparently we're getting 37 new missionaries this transfer so I basically already knew I'd train. Plus President Reese told me already. I'm excited to meet my new companion and I look forward to working with him. I don't care what kind of person he is or whatever, I'm going to be patient and loving with him. 

Finally, the best thing ever happened... I got a car. I'm no longer on a bike under the sun getting skin cancer. I have a car, not just any car, but a Toyota Tacoma. I'm driving a flippin' truck around! This transfer is going to be so sweet. Finally I have nothing stopping us from visiting whoever we want. My new missionary and I are going to go off. I hope I can be a good example and trainer for him. I've been praying every night that I'll be a good trainer and my trainee will be patient with me as well. I've been ready to fully train for quite a while now. I knew my time would come eventually. I really wanted to be in a Spanish area but I guess the Lord doesn't want me there yet. I think after these couple transfers I'll ask president if I can be in a Spanish area. What's the worst that could happen? He says no? I'm down for whatever but I feel like a useless Spanish missionary if I never use the language. All these reassigned missionaries to Chile and Argentina or wherever get first priority to the Spanish areas so I'll just have to be patient I guess. 

A lot has changed this week. Elder Llontop left and so did Elder McGee. A lot of other people left too. Elder Llontop really taught me good Spanish and I love him so much. He is so awesome and I can't wait to see him after the mission. His English is going to be perfect haha. We had to close down Elder McGee and I's old apartment this week too. The Bloom apartment complex was just horrible and that apartment was pretty bad. It was the oldest one in the mission and had some issues. The other elders bathroom didn't really have a toilet seat or lid or a lot of other things so they ended up just pooping in a hole doing the sausage squat for 12 weeks. Our bathroom wasn't too bad though. Yeah so we closed down the whole apartment and moved everything out of there and Elder Child and Llontop parted ways. It was super sad. Elder McGee and I ended up getting moved to a two man apartment for four days which was pretty interesting. That moving day was such a long day. We were in service clothes almost the whole day and moved a member into the ward and then moved ourselves out. It was definitely a long day. Our two man wasn't too bad. It was a nice apartment. Turns out a couple days before we got there a man was stabbed to death outside next to our apartment. We love Vegas. They had to repaint our whole walkway because of it. But the apartment itself wasn't horrible. 

Behind our stove. Ewe!

Some ties that Elder Llontop wanted to give me. 
They are custom made from Peru! I got the pink one.

Before we left we said our goodbyes to Elder Child and Llontop. Elder Llontop pulled out a Venezuelan drink he really likes that his family sent him so we all celebrated by drinking that. I straight up wanted to puke after drinking it though. Elder Llontop loved it but that thing was horrible. Turns out it was non alcoholic alcohol and it was so bad. I didn't have the heart to tell him though so I drank it and told Elder Llontop is was really good. 
Me and Elder Llontop

A t-shirt I made with my district

Elder McMahon and me

Turns out a year ago I opened my mission call on September 2nd 2020. I remember that day pretty well. It was such a sweet day and I remember getting off work and rushing home to open it. I was so curious on where I was going to go, I would've never expected Vegas. I'm glad I got sent here. This is a sweet mission. Super fun. Can't believe it's been a year since then. 

I'm so excited to go off in the Cheyenne ward. Apparently some seriously crazy stuff has happened in this ward. But hey, I'm glad to be here another transfer to hit the grind here with my new missionary. It's so sweet that we have a Tacoma. 

Our ward mission leader

A family in our ward that really helped us.

Here is a fun story that happened this week. It was around 7:00 pm and Elder McGee and I were praying on where we needed to go. We were just standing at the end of this neighborhood trying to find a place to go to talk with some people. So we said a prayer and waited for an idea as we looked at this map. Usually I feel an impression on where I need to go but I didn't feel anywhere. Elder McGee didn't have any ideas either. We just stood there looking at a map focusing on some place where the spirit could tell us where to go. We probably waited there like 10 minutes when suddenly a garage door opened up behind us. We turned around and a family came outside and we started talking with them. Turns out they're a part member family that hasn't been to church in a while! It was a pretty cool miracle that happened just because we just stood around waiting for a garage door to open. It was pretty sweet. The spirit works in really weird ways sometimes. 

Last miracle that happened was this past Sunday. The family of Wyatt surprised us and all the males in the family got the Aaronic priesthood! Even his dad! It was so sweet and the look on Elder McGee's face was priceless when he told us that they were getting the Aaronic priesthood. It was so cool. Elder McGee and I were allowed to participate in the circle as we gave them all the Aaronic priesthood. I am so proud of them! Seeing them progress these 12 weeks has been so sweet. Like seriously so cool. I have a feeling that because of Wyatt's example, the whole family is going to stay active. I love this family so much and I am excited to keep working with them. 
Wyatt's Family and us

The spirit was so strong and I have so much gratitude for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have seen people's lives change and people find true happiness. I know that this work is the MOST important work in the history or the universe. What I am doing is that important. I love being a missionary, I love the Lord, and I can't wait for the future. 

Elder Pack 

1 comment:

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...