

Friday, September 17, 2021

Welp, here we go again!


Well, I finished the first week with the new transfer. I feel like I got so complacent with the way things were and now things are different again. But change is good I guess. Last week I talked about the details of the new transfer but living them is even weirder. I'm training a new missionary and I'm driving around in a Tacoma. Life is pretty good! 

So I got my new missionary Wednesday and his name is Elder Wheeler. He's such a good guy and an even better missionary. Orientation with him reminded me of Orientation when I got trained by Elder Rehkow. That feels so long ago. It's interesting. It was pretty cool being on the other side though. Elder Wheeler is from Virginia but he moved to Germany right before his mission so he tells everyone he's from Germany. I think it's so hilarious. People think he's like some German guy and it gives us so much clout. He is a super nice and friendly guy too. Can't wait to keep serving with him. 
My new companion

Yeah the truck is pretty sweet, not going to lie. Finally getting off a bike and having a truck is so sweet. Basically, I'm like the designated driver for everyone though. I feel bad for a lot of guys on bikes so we give them rides around. Having a truck is so convenient. I can't even describe how awesome it is. I'm a pretty terrible driver though. I'm still getting used to driving again so I'm pretty terrible and make some pretty sketchy decisions. I'm sure I'll be fine though. 

My new roommates are Elder Stutz and Elder Boyce. They're good missionaries and are super funny too. They're always out among the people so I'm glad that they're being a good example to Elder Wheeler. I really want Elder Wheeler to work hard and see fruits of his successes. Elder Stutz and Boyce are Spanish missionaries so I'm glad to practice Spanish with them. Elder Stutz has been out for longer than a year and he has always been in a Spanish branch. I'm super jealous. I really hope one day I can serve in a Spanish area. I hear of some missionaries here who don't serve in Spanish areas til the very end of their mission. I guess that may be me haha who knows. My Spanish has definitely improved but still not fluent. I wish so badly to be fluent. 

Training has been interesting. I basically have to explain everything in detail and sometimes I forget Elder Wheeler doesn't know some things. I really like it though and think it'll be a good experience for me. Elder Wheeler doesn't speak Spanish though so I'm training an English missionary. I really wish I could train in Spanish so that way my Spanish could improve too but I guess my Spanish isn't good enough. Maybe president doesn't think I'm ready for that or whatever haha. I don't know. Life is good though and I'm just taking one day at a time.

We had a pretty sweet miracle the other day. Elder Wheeler and I have been trying to hand out his first BOM but we've been having some trouble. I handed a Spanish BOM and referred a guy while Elder Wheeler was here, but we couldn't get him to give out an English one. Eventually on Friday, we found a lady named Connie. It was so cool and she asked us to sit down and she told us her whole life story. Then she accepted Elder Wheeler's Book of Mormon and said she'd pray about it. It was so sweet. I really want to be a good trainer for Elder Wheeler and leave a good impression on him. I hope he looks back on his time with me and say he enjoyed every bit of it. 

So I got some bad news that I was a little upset about. So last week I talked about I had the opportunity to go to the temple with a recent convert and I was super excited about it. He asked me to escort him through and I was so excited. But then I talked with my mission president this week and he said that I can't go to the temple with him. It wasn't a good use of missionary time. So I couldn't escort him through the temple. I was pretty bummed about it and I vented pretty hard to Elder Wheeler and so that sucked. But Elder Wheeler was super chill and gave me some advice and love so it helped me release some tension I had. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the temple another time before my mission ends but we'll see. I was talking with one of the senior couples about it who went to the recent converts temple session and was confused why Elder Wheeler and I weren't there. They were a bit confused too but they gave me some advice and all that so I got over it pretty fast. 

Anyways I love the mission and my new companion. I can't wait to serve with him and make a new friend. I'm so thankful you read my letters, I appreciate it. This week was pretty short but a good one. I'm excited to train and I know I'm ready.

Love you all,

Elder Pack 
My district leader and I during our calls

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