

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My First Week!

 ¡Hola mis amigos!

I can't believe how fast this first week has gone! It feels just like yesterday that I started the Online MTC. I am learning new things every day and my Spanish is getting better. Although I wish I could learn the language instantly, I am still improving rapidly. It feels like all I have to do is practice certain things once or twice to have it locked in my brain permanently. So that helps! The Online MTC experience is a lot more different and fun than I thought it would be. First of all, I have plenty of time to spend with my district and companion so it makes it feel like I am actually there with them. My district has eight Elders and four Hermanas (That means Sister in Español) and they are all super interesting. Even though we are all so different and come from all over, we are united in one purpose. We are all here to share the hopeful message of Jesus Christ. My first Companion is Elder Zuniga and he is from Texas. At first, it was a little daunting to just be paired up with someone random who'd I never met and have to do everything with them, but after spending more time with Elder Zuniga, he is actually really cool! He is a lot of fun and willing to work hard.

Elder Pack and Elder Zuniga attempting to draw the Plan of Salvation over Zoom

My MTC teachers are from Mexico and are teaching the class from Mexico, so it's cool to see the culture through Zoom. I have two different teachers, one who teaches in the morning from 9 am - 12 pm and one in the afternoon from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. I love both of them and how much they sacrifice for us. They are both so intelligent and their teaching is not only super fun but I learn a lot too! I am particularly fond of the afternoon teacher, Hermano Santander (That means Brother in Español). He is a return missionary from the Cancun, Mexico mission! It's so cool to learn from someone who has been in the field and hear first-hand about what I can experience. He knows how to have fun but teaches really well, which is an excellent combination. I am loving life right now. Although I won't lie, it can be pretty hard. Being stuck at a computer all day can be straining and so is the amount of studying I need to do. It is for a good cause though. I am adjusting to this lifestyle and getting more efficient at my practicing and studying. 

For those of you who know me well, I have never been the one to admit that I could feel the Holy Ghost. Although I have felt it an innumerable amount of times, I was never the one to admit it. So with that being said, you know that what I am about to say is real and comes from my heart. I feel the spirit in my chest every single time I join in a Zoom meeting. It is a warm feeling that testifies that what I am doing is right. It always puts me in an incredible mood and makes the Zoom meetings easily tolerable. I have never felt the spirit so strong before. When you are surrounded by a plethora of individuals 100% committed to serving our Savior, it's indescribable. It is an experience of a lifetime. I have read the Book of Mormon all the way through several times, but when I read it now, the incredible doctrine and life-changing stories are so powerful. The book is truly another testament of Jesus Christ and bears witness to his glory. This church is all about love, happiness, sharing, service, sacrifice, and renewal. It has made me so happy and I want nothing more than to bring that to others. For all of those who are struggling with these hard times, or are lost mentally, socially, or spiritually, please read this book. It has changed my life and will change yours.

I am so thankful for everyone who opted to receive letters from me. It brings a smile to my face knowing that there are people who will sacrifice their time just to hear me talk about my adventures. 
Thank you and I love you all! I will talk with you all next week!
PS- You can email me directly at neil.pack@missionary.org

Elder Pack

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