

Friday, December 25, 2020


 ¡Feliz Navidad!

As of writing this, it is currently a few days before Christmas. I have no idea when you all will read it so Merry Christmas! I am literally so excited! It's so crazy how Christmas is just around the corner. It feels like yesterday that I started my Online MTC and now I'm in the final week. Pretty soon, I'll fly out to Las Vegas, and then it gets real. This last month with my family has been so incredible and they will have a special place in my heart. Saying goodbye to my friends in the district is going to be hard too. We've gotten so close from these past 6 weeks that I am genuinely sad I won't see them again for a long time. But for now, I am going to cherish every second I have with them. I'm just glad that Facebook exists so we can stay in contact.

The District having a fiesta

Daniel accidentally tears a hole in the Space-Time Continuum while we are teaching him

Elder Wall getting thrown across his room

I am specifically going to miss Hermano Santander, my afternoon teacher. That guy is crazy. The weirdest things happen in those classes. But he is also hilarious. I hope his next district learns to appreciate him as much as we did during our time with him. Since Hermano Santander is a return missionary, we are not too far in age. I feel like because of that we all just connect easier. It makes learning so much fun!

            Hanging out with Hermano Santander

If you are wondering how my lessons and Spanish is going, just know that they are going great. Except for when we teach Rodrigo, I have no idea what I am doing when I teach him. But hey, I'm learning. My Spanish is progressing and earlier this week, I had a normal 15-minute conversation with someone in Spanish. I felt so cool! To be honest, though, I know I don't deserve any credit. God has blessed me with the ability to learn incredibly fast and retain information. Like, I have never learned so quickly and efficiently in my life. In my Spanish class in High School I basically just messed around the whole time. But now, I am remembering things taught to me from High School off of the top of my head. I pray that every day the Lord can keep blessing me with this knowledge. Even though I am not fluent in Spanish or anything, I am learning and hopefully, one day I will be.

Christmas in the Pack house is going to be pretty awesome. My grandparents are in town and we're all just chillin' here. I'm really glad I get to see my grandparents before I leave for my mission. I am also excited to see everyone open their gifts on Christmas Day. I have some gifts too if your wondering but I'm almost positive they're just socks. I also needed a new bike for Nevada, so apparently, I am getting a new bike so that is pretty epic.

This Christmas Season, I hope all of you experience love from our Savior. The comfort and joy I receive from following the path of Jesus Christ is incredible. I know this church is true and that one day we can live with God again after death. I know where we came from, where we are going, and why we were placed on this earth. I know God has a plan for us. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am so thankful for all of you!

Elder Pack


  1. miss you bud! and merry christmas i hope you get everything you wish for :) - michael

    1. Miss you too Michael! I’m so thankful that you guys are supporting me in this and reading my emails. You should email me or hit me up sometime on Facebook and we can catch up! -neil


The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...