

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Scorpion squasher

 Hola todos! 

I hope you all are doing well. I don't have a lot of time to write this week unfortunately. This P-Day has gone by too fast. Since we had transfers this week, P-Day was actually on Tuesday. I didn't get transferred so Elder Rehkow and I are still chilling. For those who don't know, transfers are basically a process where every month missionaries are assigned a new area with new companions. You have to pack up and yeet out of your apartment pretty quickly. Sometimes, you don't get transferred and nothing happens. So that's what happened for me. 
Zone selfie

I really like this area so I'm super glad I'm staying. The people and youth are so cool. Our ward has a variety of interesting people too. We met a guy who believes the earth is flat and so after talking to him, Elder Rehkow and I spent hours talking about the flat earth theory. The guy was so cool though, and such an awesome person. After dinner with him and his family we just started talking about crazy conspiracy theories and that was one of them. I've honestly seen some crazy things here in Las Vegas. 

This week so many awesome things happened. Like one day Elder Rehkow and I were outside at a park doing some studies and a bunch of kids went up to us and asked us to play baseball with them. It was pretty fun. Luckily Elder Rehkow and I were on different teams because we kind of 'carried' those 5th graders. It was pretty funny popping home runs in front of them. We also got to hang out with the Deacons on Wednesday and we carved soap. I carved a cool skull. I also found a baby scorpion in the church and totally smashed it. Turns out there's a lot of them during the summer so that's cool. Honestly, just a lot of fun things happened. 
My skull carving

The scorpion I killed

We're still teaching Adrianna. She wants to get baptized which is so awesome, but her mom doesn't want her to. The Elders before us taught her a bunch so she is super ready. We asked Adrianna to share her testimony with her mom and hopefully her mom will let her get baptized. 

I wanna share an incredible story that I had the opportunity to experience this week. I was on exchanges (or splits as they used to be called) with Elder Linehan. We were on a phone call with an individual who was really having a hard moment in her life. She was at her lowest low. She was raised Catholic and has been taking the missionary discussions for a while. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and I felt the spirit in my chest like I have never felt it before. Then out of nowhere she started talking about how whenever she is with us or at the church she feels really good. A feeling she can't describe, but it feels really good. A warm feeling in her chest. Hearing this from someone who has never felt the spirit or even knew what feeling the spirit is, was so powerful. She never even knew what feeling the spirit was but perfectly described it. That's the same feeling that drove me to serve a mission. Then we extended the invitation for her to be baptized and she accepted. 

She said, "When you started praying I felt so good, and I felt I needed a change, I am lost. I am so lost. But, every time I am around you and when you teach me I feel so good and I can't explain it."

My testimony was already rooted firmly, but this experience only cemented it. This is the true Church of Jesus Christ. The Spirit is real. This is real. 

I love all of you and wish you well this week. Keep being incredible people!

Elder Pack
A funny sign on someone's door. (We knocked on it anyways.)

Me unlocking the power of light :)

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