

Thursday, April 8, 2021

It's General Conference! We ate giant cinnamon rolls and I got a new bike!

 ¿Qué tal?

This week really flew by so fast! When I was first out on the mission, I would count down how many days I had left just to always see how far I've come but lately I've just stopped caring haha. I realized that the only thing counting down days does it make it go slower. All I know now is I still have a while left on my mission. Besides, I only get TWO years to wear this tag so I'm going to enjoy every minute of it without wishing away any day. 

All the people we are teaching are basically the same where they were last week. Since it's been spring break, everyone has been out of town and we couldn't get a teaching in. Harlie however was in town so we finished up a lesson on commandments. We're all super excited for her baptism this weekend. Harlie is a little nervous, but she says that she is really excited! Keep her in your prayers so she can keep feeling ready for her baptism! It's literally so awesome to find someone, teach them, and then baptize them. Like I can't describe the feeling I have right now haha.

This last weekend was something super awesome. We had General Conference! So basically, General Conference is a live broadcast when the Prophet and the Apostles speak to us. In the Church of Jesus Christ, we believe that God calls prophets to lead and direct his people. Since God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, he still calls prophets again to lead just like in Old Testament times. Prophets led to the birth of Christ, and prophets will lead to his coming again. So our church is lead by a prophet and 12 apostles. The whole weekend was dedicated to General Conference and we even got a bunch of our friends to watch! Bill, who we did service for last week, watched the Saturday morning session and wanted a recording of all the other sessions because he couldn't watch the rest. He loved it so much! We told Bill to look up the 191st annual session of General Conference on YouTube and he'd find all the recordings.

We ate cinnamon rolls bigger than my hand before Conference.

Harlie even came and watched the Saturday morning session and she really liked it. She said that Russell M. Nelson is really called of God. His talk on faith in that session was particularly great. 

Other than that, not much happened this week. I bought a new bike for $60, that was pretty neat. An Elder was going home after this transfer, so he sold me his bike for real cheap. Later, I'm going to go to a bike shop and see if they can fix some things and make it better than it already is.

 We did service for some guy and made his backyard look like a beach, that was fun. We're still getting a ridiculous amount of cookies every day and we had a bunch of Easter candy. That's basically it. Honestly, it was a quick and good week. 

OH WAIT! I almost forgot! It's getting into the 90s this week and that sucks. No more 60 degree weather.:( Its only up from here! Hopefully summer doesn't come too soon but whatever I guess.

Anyways, I wanted to share a scripture I read in the second chapter of Ephesians in the New Testament. It says: 

19- Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

20- And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

I like this scripture because it easily summarizes how the Church of Jesus Christ is set up. There are prophets and apostles, but they are ultimately led by Jesus Christ himself, Him being the chief cornerstone. In the New Testament, it was Peter, James, and John and then the twelve apostles who received direction from Jesus Christ. I share my testimony that Russell M. Nelson really is a prophet and he receives direction for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Jesus Christ. These gospel truths have really been restored by the prophet Joseph Smith and that there really is a God. I experience miracles every day and I am a witness that the hand of God is in my life and is directing me on where I need to go.

I hope you all have a great week and I can't wait to talk to you all next week! Thank you so much for reading my emails!

Elder Pack 
Service Selfie!

We helped my cousin put up their crib for the baby

 A weird picture of Elder Rehkow when we were cleaning out Bill's garage. Also since we didn't have a seat for me in the car, I somehow had to lay on the floor behind Elder Rehkow since there was no room for me.

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