

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Haunted House and Nathan Pacheco

 Hola otra vez,

Here we are again. Life's good here in Vegas. Almost too good. Elder Plaster and I get along really well. Honestly I don't know what I did to deserve Elder Plaster but he is so awesome. Area is also doing well. Could be better. The members in the ward are so awesome and I love them so much. A lot of people are outside so we can talk with them now, but no one is willing to listen. I guess people in really rich south Summerlin don't want to talk about God. It's a little frustrating. I'm used to finding a decent amount of people and getting return dates but people here are just not having it. We did find two families though that are interested. They are just not getting back to us through phone which is lame. They're all like, "Of course we will come to church and read and pray about the Book of Mormon," and then don't follow through with there commitments. You said you would! All you have to do is read and pray about the book and then you'll know it's true. But it's alright I guess. We had a fantastic first lesson with them and that was cool, wish we could teach more.

Right now the mission has this huge push on getting a baptism every transfer and I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes. I want to help Elder Plaster gain some good missionary skills and become a baptizing missionary, but I can't do that unless I'm a baptizing missionary too. We're just going to have to reevaluate the way we find in this area. Anyway, it's all good. I just want to provide a good experience for Elder Plaster and we don't have to baptize to have a good experience. 

Yeah so this week was interesting. We didn't find anyone which stinks but we did have a lot of service and concerts and stuff. Our mission president is awesome and took us to a Zions Youth concert with Nathan Pacheco there. I didn't get any cool pictures or the concert but I got a picture of the foyer. It was such a nice auditorium. It was sweet. They were pretty good. Reminded me of my singing days and stuff. Nathan Pacheco was awesome too. He's pretty good. Then later in the week we did service at the giving machine. 

That was pretty cool. We were asked to not where our mission tags and wear normal clothes. We also were asked to go by our first names and not proselyte. That was pretty cool. I felt like a normal person. So basically I had to introduce myself as Neil and not Elder Pack. Oh and we helped out at this cool service project for a place called opportunity village. We basically helped take down a big haunted house. It was awesome. There was this small haunted house and a big one and it was actually a lot of hard work but it was cool. Got some fun pictures. 

I went on exchanges with Elder Moss this week and that was cool. He's a good missionary. Super fun too and always wants to do the right thing. We were grinding all day and hadn't seen any success. Until the end if the night we were walking and ran into a newly married couple. We talked about families and what we share and then we talked about eternal marriage. They really liked what they heard and wanted to learn more. It was pretty sweet. Love when people want to listen and decide for themselves. Cool miracle. 

Then I went in exchanges with Elder Rehkow my trainer and that was cool. It was so sweet to reunite for a little bit. He is a totally different missionary now. Super hardworking and humble. Super friendly and fun too. He's changed a whole bunch and so have I. We've both been so impatient with each other and it was so awesome to serve together again. We were pretty jank and just basically talked all night. It was cool. 

Other than that, nothing really happened this week. I love my mission. I love my new friends here. It's so cheesy but I've changed so much, which is good. I needed to change. I'm coming up on my year mark which scares me a little. One year as a missionary. I love my companion and all my previous companions. I think the mission was really for me more than it was for the people I'm teaching. It's so cliche and cheesy and I hate that but this is good for me. 

Love you all and I miss you, feel free to write or message me on Mondays.

Elder Pack 

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