

Monday, November 1, 2021

This place is poppin'


I'm back again! This week was pretty insane and a lot of cool stuff happened, so let's just jump right into it.

So I spent my Wednesday morning with Elder Galland while I waited to go pick up my new missionary. I just want to say that Elder Galland is such a beast and he's probably going to be a mission president one day. Anyways, we had an awesome day and then we went to go pick up my new missionary. The first day was super fun and weird because I had just done the exact same thing 6 weeks ago for another new missionary so I felt like deja vu heavy. My mission president, President Reese, said the exact same remarks as last time and then all the new missionaries came in and we got to see them. Then president Reese slowly reads off each name and matches who should be their trainer.

My new missionaries name is.... ELDER PLASTER. I LOVE Elder Plaster. He's so funny. He is the most wholesome guy ever and we are super similar. I keep saying obscure YouTube video references and then he quotes the next line and I'm like YOURE THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO GET ME! He's also a super hardworking missionary and gets stuff done. I can't wait for this transfer. He is so awesome and funny. I like the last names Pack and Plaster because it's easy to remember and everyone in the ward knows us now. 

So this transfer in Spring Lakes is going to be really different. I was sad to say goodbye to all my friends in the Lone Meadows Zone, but now I'm here and everyone here is a dawg. First of all my zone leaders are Elder Flores and Rehkow. Which if you remember him, he was my trainer, and I'm super surprised he's a zone leader but we're going to go off. We planned an exchange together so we can relive old times haha I'm so excited. Elder Flores was also my zone leader in Elkhorn Spring back in the day and now he's going home. Plus Elder Leeper is here in my district so we have the old Elkhorn gang back for one last ride before Elder Leeper leaves to his original assignment and Elder Flores goes home. It's seriously so awesome. 

So my new ward is called the Willows Ward and it is super nice. It's south Summerlin and everywhere here is gated communities and expensive. In the center of our area is a large gated walled off community with a guard. We call it Fort Knox and our goal is to get inside and start proselyting til we get kicked out. We'll probably hit up a member and he'll let us in. We already tried talking to the guard to see if he'd let us in and he said "absolutely not." We told him we'd be back. Apparently the way to find in this area is through the members. Originally I was supposed to be in the Laurelwood Ward but a couple days before transfers the assistants to the president called us and said that I would be going to the Willows ward instead. I guess he thinks I can handle lots of member work. We'll see if I can do that...

I love this ward though. Everyone is so nice and friendly and wants to work with us which is good. I'm pretty overwhelmed right now honestly though. Training a new missionary and then being a district leader and then being in a completely new ward and needing to find people who want to get baptized so I don't get roasted makes me a bit overwhelmed. It's not too bad it's just wild sometimes. Basically being district leader isn't hard or anything it's just people ask for me for help and sometimes I'm just like bruh I don't know good luck. Everyone lives so far away from me too and since I'm on bike again I'm just kinda vibing, I guess. So we don't really get any rides to the p-day building which is kinds buns. Yeah but I do love my district though even though I can't get rides from them to my own district council.

Elder Plaster is so cool. I love serving with him and I hope we can have a lot of fun this transfer. Being able to find new people might be a little difficult but I'm so down. Since previous missionaries in the Willows Ward were in the Spanish branch and the Willows Ward, no one focused their efforts in that ward. So now, we get to focus all our efforts there. I think the key to success might be working with the youth. That seems like the most profitable finding source. 

So there is this park barely out of our area that we sometimes go to do companion studies since our area is so small. This park is popping. I wish I took a picture, it's ridiculous how many people are here. It would probably take us two hours to talk with everyone there. So that's what I've been doing with Elder Plaster to get him out of his shell. We're just walking up to random people in the park and bugging them about Jesus until they accept a pamphlet. It's pretty fun. Not super effective because everyone hates us but it's still fun nonetheless. In this area everyone is so rich and prideful they won't even listen to what we have to say. It's pretty lit. 
Cool Halloween house

Our teaching pool of people is so small. We opened our area book and there is nothing. So we've been on the gas this week and found a couple of people. I really hope we can find lots and teach lots so I can provide a good experience for Elder Plaster. I really want him to have an awesome training experience with me and see the value of hard work. But if we can't see the fruit of our labors then it's pretty hard. Hopefully Elder Plaster enjoys his time with me. I know I'm going to love every second with him.

This P-Day we are going to buy Pumpkins and carve Pumpkins at the church building with my district. It's going to be awesome. That's something I'm looking forward to. It's crazy how it's already Halloween. It's wild. OH, here is a spiritual thought for the day. My Christlike attributes that I'm studying this transfer is faith and humility. I've found that when you study Christlike attributes you realize how inadequate you actually are. Last transfer I studied patience and love and my patience and loving abilities were really tested. Now sometimes my faith to find is being tested. I guess the spiritual thought for the day is that we all have something to improve. We could always be better and more like Christ. I hope that one day I can master all of these attributes but that's pretty hard not going to lie. But God makes everything possible.

Anyways, I love you all. I hope you all have a great week and I'll talk to you next week.

Elder Pack 
We carved pumpkins for PDay

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