

Saturday, January 8, 2022

New Years in Vegas.....again!


Wow, every single day in 2021 was spent in Las Vegas. I cannot believe it! That's crazy. Seriously so cool though. How many other people leave home willingly for more than a year to teach others about Jesus Christ? Yeah.... Also, I don't even get paid bro. I pay to be here. I'm just saying either I'm insane or... maybe the church is true. Maybe both. Anyways this week was not as fun but still some cool stuff happened.

Life is still good. But it's freezing here in Las Vegas, and it sucks. I know it's only a couple months of this, but I've acclimated to the climate here and now 40 degrees feels so cold. I do not like it. It occasionally gets high 30s though. Finding has been kind of bad too. We haven't found anyone and none of our friends came to church, and I was super depressed but then we found two people which came in clutch. We found a family who have been taught by missionaries before and really want to start meeting with us again. Also, they said they'd feed us which is epic. Love when the people we're teaching feed us. I love teaching families too because then I feel like the missionaries in the church videos and it's so cool. Yeah, so that was a fat miracle.

Yeah, I got kicked out of an apartment complex again. That was super lame. We have started knocking private communities because I'm desperate to find people to teach and I don't care, and some homie called security in less than 15 minutes. Super lame. That guy probably needs Jesus. Yeah, some security guy came over and was like yeah, we got a couple calls and was like yeah you guys can't be in here. I really wanted to tell him about how we're actually not soliciting but I didn't want to fight with him, so we just left. I don't think the elect was in that place anyways. So, we went to another apartment complex and went nutso bananas on all the doors. Didn't find anyone. No one is really outside so I've resulted in just knocking a heck ton of doors. 

Let's see... yeah that's really all that happened this week. I'm excited for 2022, it's going to be cool. I'll also spend a majority of it in Las Vegas. Maybe I'll even be in a Spanish area! Who knows? Probably soon. All of the reassigned missionaries are leaving, and they'll definitely need some Spanish missionaries in Spanish areas. Missionaries always look at me weird when I tell them I've been out for more than a year and I've never been in a Spanish area. Members look puzzled too. I've asked my mission president, but he didn't respond to my email. Maybe I'll ask again. Transfers are coming up too so everything could change again. Maybe I'll be with Elder Plaster again. Maybe I'll be in a Spanish area. maybe I'll train again! Who knows? Whatever happens I know that the Lord needs me to be there. It's cliche to say that but I know. It's still fun to think about it though. 

My time spent with Elder Plaster has been my favorite so far. Don't get me wrong, I love Elder Rehkow, Elder Caldwell, Elder Mcgee, and Elder Wheeler. Whenever I see them again, I'll give them a big hug. But Elder Plaster really was so awesome. It was amazing to see his growth as a person and as a missionary. It went from me dragging him to do stuff to him dragging me. It honestly inspires me. He's funny, never rude, always positive, smart, hardworking, and always tries to do the right thing. I don't know how I was ever worthy to train such a great person but here we are. I will be very sad if I get transferred but I also know that the Lord needs him to do great things and most likely he will train a new missionary. I wouldn't be surprised by that. It's probably time for him and probably time for me to have a hard companion, Haha. No, I've never had any hard companions and in fact I've loved them all as my friends. I hope to see them after the mission. 

Well, that was my week. Very fun. I love the work and I love you all for reading what I write. Spending your time to read my thoughts is pretty sweet. 

Elder Pack 

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