

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Good News, Like Really Good News.


This was one of those weeks where a lot of stuff happened. Like a lot. And I got some really good news to share. Pretty amazing week. First of all, I got to attend a session in the Las Vegas Temple. It was pretty sweet. I forgot to mention it last week. The more I go the more I enjoy it. It was a very good day, and the Las Vegas Temple is so cool. It's pretty amazing to stand on the grounds and look down and out and see the Las Vegas strip in the valley. The temple really is set apart from the world. I like the symbolism, it's neat.

There were so many awesome people that went with me during the temple trip. Most of my district got to go and other missionaries that I knew super well. It was awesome. An Elder that I knew well from back home in Iowa was there too! Elder Kell Bowen from Iowa got sent to my same mission Spanish Speaking and I got to do a temple session with him. He is so awesome. We talked for a long time and caught up. Hopefully I get to serve around him soon. It's cool to have someone I knew from back home here on my mission with me. It was a really good day. 

Elder Kell Bowen from Iowa

The next day we had interviews with my Mission President. That was such an awesome interview. Such a cool experience. President Reese is awesome, and it is sad to hear that his term as a mission president is ending soon. I remember starting the interview and we talked about normal stuff and about the area and all that. President told me that the reason he put me and Elder Plaster together one last transfer is because we got along very well.  He wanted us to have more incredible experiences together. I am super thankful for that. 

I also expressed my concern to him that I have never been in a Spanish area on my mission, and I have been out for a decent amount of time. He told me that I would 100% be in a Spanish area next transfer. I am so excited! He said that he didn't know which one but for sure I will serve Spanish next transfer which I am excited for. I love my life right now!

We finally had one of our homies come to church which was cool. Sam came and really liked it even though people said some weird stuff during 2nd hour 5th Sunday. Also, we had to push Edgar's date back to be baptized since he wasn't coming to church. That made me very upset but it's okay, we push forward. 

I am switching apartments now apparently which sucks. Our hoarder neighbor apparently is causing cockroach problems everywhere, so our landlord and our mission office got together to move us to a different apartment in the same complex. I was very saddened by that because I went ham cleaning the apartment and now, I have to move to a brand new one. It is a brand-new apartment, and it's super nice. Elder Rojas, Carter, Plaster, and I will still be living together. After this switch I will have lived in 10 different apartments on my mission. 

I got into a less active member's home with the power of my bladder. It was 8:45 pm at night and I really wanted to get my member lesson numbers up so I asked to use their bathroom. Then we shared a spiritual message before we left. The power of the bladder works miracles. No gate can stop me. What's funny is they started watching a movie that I really wanted to watch while we were there, and they said we could stay as long as we wanted and watch it and I was so tempted. Fortunately, I said no, and we decided to leave before it was too late. The movie was awesome, and I was genuinely debating staying. haha.

Anyways I love you all and I am so grateful for your prayers and emails. Stay in touch!

Elder Pack 

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