

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Short email, and an awesome week!


Okay I have to speed run this email because P-Day ends in 15 minutes. GREAT WEEK! Seriously. Just awesome. The miracles have been so cool. We found a family through tracting and they came to church this week. Last week as a random lady came to the church and asked to be baptized so we set her on date. She literally came to church twice already so we could baptize her tomorrow if we wanted to but we need to teach all the points. It's funny, when you have 8 missionaries in the same ward they are all like vultures on sacrament meeting hunting down anyone who looks new. All our friends who come to church everyone thinks they're new and we have to remind them that we're teaching them. The Sister missionaries were sooooo salty that we took the lady who wants to get baptized. Technically we talked to her first so she's ours. The Sisters were soo salty and mad haha free tizzy. 

Yeah so anyways just an awesome week. We tracked into Cindy and her family. She has met with missionaries in the past and I would be surprised if she got baptized next transfer. Her husband might be tough to get down. Her son has autism so it was a flipping miracle she came to church with her son. But she came! So cool. She met a lot of people and loved it. 

I also had zone conference. That was awesome. Saw some old friends. The theme was fishing because of course it was haha #bigbassfishersofmen. Yeah also our mission president is leaving next transfer which is super sad because President Reese is my homie. I'm sure President Nielson is cool too, he's from Texas. 

Love the work, love my mission, love my companion, love the ward, love my savior. What a great time to be serving the Lord.

Elder Neil Pack 

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