

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Future of Missionary Work


I have one last week left in the mission. Two full years in service. Looking back on it I still can't believe I just did that. But it's not over yet. One more week. 

It's finally cooling down again. Today it was like 50-60 degrees, and I wore a sweater because it was actually really cold. Yesterday had a crazy dust storm that made everyone's garbage bins fly everywhere and sand get all over in my hair and eyes, that was awesome. Another thing that happened today was that the sister missionaries called us and apparently someone had requested a blessing in there ward. We went with them to the ICU in the hospital and gave an unconscious man a blessing. He had his family there, so it wasn't super weird. But apparently, he was on his death bed, and he wanted a blessing but went unconscious later. I think that was either my first or second time giving someone on their death bed a blessing. I think the last time was when I was with Elder Mcgee in the Cheyenne ward. 

Elder Muraski, my companion, is doing really good. Him and I are having fun and working. Our teaching pool is still garbage but we're trying. I'm very excited to not have a companion anymore though haha... anyways... we brought an inactive family named the Colemans to church which was awesome. After 5 years of inactivity, they came back. It was nice to see them there and see fruits of our labors. I know I was in this ward for a reason and one of them was for them. We liked brother Coleman so much we even tie traded with him which was awesome. 

Something my companion and I have been doing is printing out and taping up countless QR codes for the Book of Mormon app. For those of you that don't know, if you scan this code, it will take you to the free Book of Mormon app and you can download it and start reading. You can even find the nearest chapel near you on the App and meeting missionaries in your area which is mega cool. We even have stickers for the QR code now and we've been putting it everywhere. This really is the future of missionary work haha. Now people will see this random QR code and scan it for fun, but then it'll take them to the book of Mormon. Kinda cool! 

For my last cool story that happened this week, I got to see and hold a 1st edition copy of the Book of Mormon. There are only 5000 of those in the world! The one I saw and held was Elizabeth Cowdery's personal book of Mormon. She was Oliver Cowdery's wife. We even got to see her 200-year-old handwriting in the book of verses she liked and other interesting things. Some mega rich member bought it and now has it just chilling in his house. Apparently, the church wants to buy it from him but I'm not sure what he's going to do. It was honestly super cool and being able to hold it and read from it was awesome. Since that was the wife of a close friend of Joseph Smith, I'm sure at one point he held it. Kinda cool! Back in the day apparently the Book of Mormon costed 1.50$ because Martin Harris had to mortgage his farm to pay for the printing. So, they needed to pay that money back somehow haha.

These past two years have been a ride. I will have one more week left and one more email after this. My very last one. 

"thou hast been faithful; wherefore, thy garments shall be made clean... even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father."
Ether 12:37 

Elder Neil Pack

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The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...