

Friday, December 25, 2020


 ¡Feliz Navidad!

As of writing this, it is currently a few days before Christmas. I have no idea when you all will read it so Merry Christmas! I am literally so excited! It's so crazy how Christmas is just around the corner. It feels like yesterday that I started my Online MTC and now I'm in the final week. Pretty soon, I'll fly out to Las Vegas, and then it gets real. This last month with my family has been so incredible and they will have a special place in my heart. Saying goodbye to my friends in the district is going to be hard too. We've gotten so close from these past 6 weeks that I am genuinely sad I won't see them again for a long time. But for now, I am going to cherish every second I have with them. I'm just glad that Facebook exists so we can stay in contact.

The District having a fiesta

Daniel accidentally tears a hole in the Space-Time Continuum while we are teaching him

Elder Wall getting thrown across his room

I am specifically going to miss Hermano Santander, my afternoon teacher. That guy is crazy. The weirdest things happen in those classes. But he is also hilarious. I hope his next district learns to appreciate him as much as we did during our time with him. Since Hermano Santander is a return missionary, we are not too far in age. I feel like because of that we all just connect easier. It makes learning so much fun!

            Hanging out with Hermano Santander

If you are wondering how my lessons and Spanish is going, just know that they are going great. Except for when we teach Rodrigo, I have no idea what I am doing when I teach him. But hey, I'm learning. My Spanish is progressing and earlier this week, I had a normal 15-minute conversation with someone in Spanish. I felt so cool! To be honest, though, I know I don't deserve any credit. God has blessed me with the ability to learn incredibly fast and retain information. Like, I have never learned so quickly and efficiently in my life. In my Spanish class in High School I basically just messed around the whole time. But now, I am remembering things taught to me from High School off of the top of my head. I pray that every day the Lord can keep blessing me with this knowledge. Even though I am not fluent in Spanish or anything, I am learning and hopefully, one day I will be.

Christmas in the Pack house is going to be pretty awesome. My grandparents are in town and we're all just chillin' here. I'm really glad I get to see my grandparents before I leave for my mission. I am also excited to see everyone open their gifts on Christmas Day. I have some gifts too if your wondering but I'm almost positive they're just socks. I also needed a new bike for Nevada, so apparently, I am getting a new bike so that is pretty epic.

This Christmas Season, I hope all of you experience love from our Savior. The comfort and joy I receive from following the path of Jesus Christ is incredible. I know this church is true and that one day we can live with God again after death. I know where we came from, where we are going, and why we were placed on this earth. I know God has a plan for us. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am so thankful for all of you!

Elder Pack

Friday, December 18, 2020

"Through the power of the Holy Ghost..."


I hope you all had an excellent week! I know the week for me has been awesome! Christmas is right around the corner and I am so excited. I can't believe that my MTC time overlapped Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was so blessed and got an extra couple of weeks to spend time with my family. It will be hard to say goodbye to them soon, and I am trying not to think about it too much. When I go to the airport and leave on December 30th, I am going to cry my eyes out. But hey! Está bien! I know for a fact that what I am doing is right and nothing is stopping me from fulfilling my calling.

"For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ" 
Doctrine and Covenants 90:11

I am literally fulfilling prophecy! That's pretty epic not even going to lie.

This week in my MTC experience, I had the usual. Lots of studying and feasting. Plenty of incredible experiences and hard ones too. I forgot to mention in past emails, but I am actually teaching lessons in the MTC. Elder Zuniga and I are teaching 15 - 20 minute lessons in Spanish to people over Zoom. Even though they aren't real people requesting missionary discussions, their acting is pretty good. Each lesson I feel like we're progressing a little. We are teaching two different people, Rodrigo and Daniel. Rodrigo knows a lot about the church but doesn't believe that there are really prophets in our day. Daniel literally knows nothing and he is a little awkward. But everything is actually going pretty good and they are both learning and progressing. Also, learning a new language is pretty crazy. Like, there will be times where they will say something to me super fast in Spanish and I'll just be like, bruh, and then there will be an awkward pause. But hey! Está bien! A veces mi español puede ser bueno. Through the holy ghost, I have said some incredible things. There have been so many times where I will say something incredibly fast in Spanish and bear witness to the truth of the gospel and then I'll be like "Wow, how did I do that?"

Elder Zuniga and I have been having a lot of fun together. Everyone in my district is so awesome, but Elder Zuniga is pretty much the best. I hope that I can at least see him once in the field since we are going on the same mission.

Hanging out with Elder Zuniga

I want to share a spiritual thought Hermano Santander shared with me earlier. As a missionary, our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ. We do this through missionary discussions and setting goals with them, such as baptism and following his commandments. One of the most important parts of the early discussions is gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. We invite individuals after receiving a copy of the Book of Mormon, to ask God and pray whether it is true. If they pray with true intent and a sincere heart, genuinely asking if this is really the word of God, then through the power of the Holy Ghost, individuals will receive an answer about its truthfulness. Hermano Santander said that typically, people do this once and when they receive an answer about its truthfulness, they never ask God again. A testimony is not a one and done thing. It is a process. We are all going through this process right now. He said that we should renew our testimonies every week. We can ask God in prayer every week to find The Book of Mormon's truthfulness and every single time he will deliver an answer. I liked that message from Hermano Santander so I thought I should share it with you all!

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things" Moroni 10:5

I love all of you and wish you the best. See you next week! Also, shout out to my Mom for turning all of my emails into a Blog. You're awesome!

Elder Pack

Thursday, December 10, 2020

My power levels are increasing!

 ¡Hola Amigos!

I'm back after another week at the Online MTC! Technically, since I'm at the Mexico MTC it is actually called the CCM, fun fact. I look forward to my classes every day. I am particularly fond of my afternoon class by Hermano Santander. He is so funny, and we get to play Kahoots in his class. Every class with him is just so fun. Although, sometimes he will pull a fast one on us and it can be pretty scary. For example, on the schedule, it will say that we are having a grammar lesson, but instead, he surprises us and has us teach a lesson to people over Zoom in Spanish. With no preparation or anything, he just sends us to a Zoom meeting and has us teach people who have no idea how to say anything in English. So that always keeps us on edge. 

Every chance I get, I try to study Spanish and read my scriptures. I am now realizing the importance of the book 'Preach my Gospel.' That book is literally so awesome. There are so many good doctrines and interesting stories in there. Plus, the lesson plans are in there too so that is pretty important. I'm learning so much and harnessing my skills. The more I practice Spanish and learn, the more knowledge and power I gain. My gospel teaching abilities and scripture references are growing and pretty soon, my ultimate power will be immeasurable!!!. Haha just kidding... hopefully one day I'll be able to speak fluent Spanish though, that'd be awesome. I'm not going to sugar-coat anything, but Spanish is hard people. This is taking my whole brain! Although, now I can have conversations with people, so that's pretty cool. The only problem is I stutter like crazy. I'm sure I'll get it down with more practice though.

My District is basically the coolest district ever. We have so much fun together and I have grown to love all of these people. They have become good friends, even though I have actually never met them in person. Two people in my district are actually going to the same mission in Las Vegas, so maybe I will get to see them after the CCM! My companion, Elder Zuniga, is also going to the same mission I am, which is an interesting coincidence. Everyone else in the district is going to Puerto Rico, Chile, or Ohio, or something like that. I am excited for Las Vegas, Nevada though. That will be way awesome. Elder Zuniga and I have a lot of fun and I am so glad he is my companion. 

I have to memorize a lot of stuff as a missionary. I don't think I have ever memorized so much stuff in my life. After all this studying though, I can recite Moroni 10:5, The First Vision, The Mission Purpose, The Baptismal Covenants, and Doctrine & Covenants Section 4 in Spanish from memory. My brain is overflowing with Spanish memorizations. Whenever I am not studying or practicing, I am spending time with my family or playing the piano. I feel like I would never say this before, but now I am actually enjoying practicing the piano. I really like to just pick up a book and sight-read it or learn a really cool song. I wish I felt this way when I was taking piano lessons. I look forward to it every day. Spending time with my family has always been so incredible too. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.  

It was hard at first, but we have slowly adjusted to the passing of Elder Pope. Even though life in the district has seemingly returned to normal, there will still be a hole without Elder Pope. I am thankful for everyone who prayed for his family. I know they really appreciated it. The Pope family has received so much love in this time of need and they have so much peace. I hope that in my future family, I can have a strong testimony of my Savior so when the unthinkable happens, I can feel peace.

I wanted to share a scripture that just came into my head: John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

We are all children of our Father in Heaven and He loves us all. He gave his only begotten Son, so that we may obtain eternal life. Just as the Son of God suffered, we will go through suffering. Life is hard and things will happen that will test your faith and abilities. But, we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and I know that He does not give us anything that we can't push through. These hard experiences happen so we can learn and grow. I know this to be true.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my thoughts. I am thankful for all of you and will see you next week!

Elder Pack

Elder Zuniga and I trying to see who can balance something on our heads the longest

Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Will Unlock Photosynthesis

 ¡Hola Amigos!

I am already heading into my 3rd week in the Online MTC! Time has really gone by fast. I have gotten used to the MTC schedule finally which has made these days a breeze. Every day I wake up at 6:30 AM and work out. Then I eat breakfast and after that, I plan for the whole day. It is important to schedule everything I need to do for the day or I'll end up wasting my time doing random garbage. For example, my first week I had never even opened my planner which meant that whenever I got free time, instead of studying or memorizing, I just took a nap or whatever. That is no Bueno! I only have six weeks so I better study a lot. Now I literally plan every minute of my day, but don't worry, I still give myself time to relax and play the piano or something. Anyway, after daily planning, I have a Zoom meeting with my companion. It's called companion study and it's fun to start my day by studying with Elder Zuniga. Every day is different, sometimes we study scriptures or practice Español. Then I have classes with my district for the rest of the day! Yay!  

A picture of my whole district! We feel like a family already

Online MTC is basically zoom meetings all day. Everything is done through Zoom. Staring at a screen all day kind of gives me headaches but that is not really a big deal. Wednesdays however are my P-Day. P-Days are super awesome because I can take a break from Zoom and finally see sunlight. For those of you who don't know, P-Day stands for Preparation Day. Every week, I get one. I don't have any zoom meetings and I can spend the day with my family. I also do things like laundry and stuff to prepare for the week, hence the name. But there really isn't a whole lot to do so I basically just end up sitting outside staring at the sun. Maybe if I do that every P-Day, I will unlock photosynthesis. Since I get bored fast, I also study Spanish a lot on that day. So yeah, Wednesdays are pretty cool.

Another highlight of my day is group studies. I love group language study! I basically get to hang out with a small group in my district and study Spanish with them. We have a lot of fun in our group. I wish we could meet in person though... They're such cool people so these group studies are pretty much the highlight of my day.

My Español Study Group! We meet every day after lunch (I have no idea what Hermana Sellers is doing in that photo so don't ask)

However, this week was not all incredible. There was something very serious that happened recently that I feel prompted to share with you all. On the 1st of December, an Elder in my district lost his life. Elder Pope was in a terrible accident which resulted in him passing away from this life. It was all so very sudden and I am still sad about it. I felt close with Elder Pope and he was a good friend. His testimony was one of the strongest in the district and we shared many memories. When I heard the news of his death that morning, I couldn't contain my frustrations and emotions. No one saw this coming and there were so many things I wish I could have said to him. He was an incredible missionary. I suppose that Heavenly Father had a different agenda for him, a mission more important than any of us could imagine. I know one day I will be able to see this valiant Elder again in the kingdom of our Father. The reason I bring this unfortunate situation up with all of you is to ask for your prayers for the family of Elder Pope. They need much comfort at this time and I hope that you all could find the time to pray for them. The Pope family has so much faith and they know that one day they will be able to see their son again, but that knowledge still doesn't completely take away the pain of losing a loved one. So if you could have the Pope family in your prayers, that would be much appreciated.

A picture of Elder Pope in our Zoom meetings, before his passing
I used to think that missionaries were immortal. That I would be completely protected without a doubt. No one is guaranteed this luxury. But with that in mind, I will continue my work. I testify that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ and that the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel. It is true without a doubt in my mind and those who read it will gain the same testimony. Through Christ's atonement, we can be saved. There is a life after death and there is a purpose to why we are here on this earth. 

I love you all so very much and I love reading your emails to me. I am thankful that you all can be on this journey with me.

Elder Pack

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My First Week!

 ¡Hola mis amigos!

I can't believe how fast this first week has gone! It feels just like yesterday that I started the Online MTC. I am learning new things every day and my Spanish is getting better. Although I wish I could learn the language instantly, I am still improving rapidly. It feels like all I have to do is practice certain things once or twice to have it locked in my brain permanently. So that helps! The Online MTC experience is a lot more different and fun than I thought it would be. First of all, I have plenty of time to spend with my district and companion so it makes it feel like I am actually there with them. My district has eight Elders and four Hermanas (That means Sister in Español) and they are all super interesting. Even though we are all so different and come from all over, we are united in one purpose. We are all here to share the hopeful message of Jesus Christ. My first Companion is Elder Zuniga and he is from Texas. At first, it was a little daunting to just be paired up with someone random who'd I never met and have to do everything with them, but after spending more time with Elder Zuniga, he is actually really cool! He is a lot of fun and willing to work hard.

Elder Pack and Elder Zuniga attempting to draw the Plan of Salvation over Zoom

My MTC teachers are from Mexico and are teaching the class from Mexico, so it's cool to see the culture through Zoom. I have two different teachers, one who teaches in the morning from 9 am - 12 pm and one in the afternoon from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. I love both of them and how much they sacrifice for us. They are both so intelligent and their teaching is not only super fun but I learn a lot too! I am particularly fond of the afternoon teacher, Hermano Santander (That means Brother in Español). He is a return missionary from the Cancun, Mexico mission! It's so cool to learn from someone who has been in the field and hear first-hand about what I can experience. He knows how to have fun but teaches really well, which is an excellent combination. I am loving life right now. Although I won't lie, it can be pretty hard. Being stuck at a computer all day can be straining and so is the amount of studying I need to do. It is for a good cause though. I am adjusting to this lifestyle and getting more efficient at my practicing and studying. 

For those of you who know me well, I have never been the one to admit that I could feel the Holy Ghost. Although I have felt it an innumerable amount of times, I was never the one to admit it. So with that being said, you know that what I am about to say is real and comes from my heart. I feel the spirit in my chest every single time I join in a Zoom meeting. It is a warm feeling that testifies that what I am doing is right. It always puts me in an incredible mood and makes the Zoom meetings easily tolerable. I have never felt the spirit so strong before. When you are surrounded by a plethora of individuals 100% committed to serving our Savior, it's indescribable. It is an experience of a lifetime. I have read the Book of Mormon all the way through several times, but when I read it now, the incredible doctrine and life-changing stories are so powerful. The book is truly another testament of Jesus Christ and bears witness to his glory. This church is all about love, happiness, sharing, service, sacrifice, and renewal. It has made me so happy and I want nothing more than to bring that to others. For all of those who are struggling with these hard times, or are lost mentally, socially, or spiritually, please read this book. It has changed my life and will change yours.

I am so thankful for everyone who opted to receive letters from me. It brings a smile to my face knowing that there are people who will sacrifice their time just to hear me talk about my adventures. 
Thank you and I love you all! I will talk with you all next week!
PS- You can email me directly at neil.pack@missionary.org

Elder Pack

The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...