

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I have HUGE legs!


I can't believe that this week went by this fast. Like seriously, what? I still have yet to have a horrible day so that's super cool. Everyday I'm learning and doing all I can to invite all to come to Christ. It's the most awesome and important work ever. Everyday I am studying and learning how I can be a more effective missionary. Ever since I have been ordained an Elder, I have been more motivated to strive to be like my Savior, Jesus Christ. It's hard to describe, but I am so motivated to do everything I can. I can retain information from my studying and share them without thinking of it. It's actually so cool. I know that I couldn't do this by myself, I have never been good at this kind of stuff. But now it feels natural. 

Each week I want to focus on a Christlike attribute and harness that in my life. This week is humility. I have been doing really well with thinking about the needs of my companion and others before myself. I hope that one day I can be super humble and never have any prideful thoughts come across my mind. Humility, in my opinion, is one of the most important attributes. Through thinking of others more than yourself, you can live a happier life. 

I still have yet to teach a nonmember of the church, right now, Elder Reykow and I are focusing all our efforts on inactive families in the Stone Mountain Ward (our first assigned area). Just today, we had a lesson with a family who have showed interest in coming back to church. We had one of the most awesome lessons I have ever had. I came into the lesson completely unprepared and words and phrases came out of my mouth and I have no idea where they came from. The lesson was so awesome and I could feel the spirit the whole time. The message was clear and I am still in unbelief how we did it. My companion and I never even stuttered and bounced off each other perfectly. 

I had this idea to compare driving a car to following the commandments . The commandments are like stoplights and stop signs. We are required to follow the rules of the road even though we really don't want to. It's so tedious to not just blaze through the stoplight. Because of our obedience though, we can avoid dangers that we never even knew were there. Because we stopped at the stoplight, we didn't get into a car accident. Sometimes though, due to the choices of others,  we get into a car accident anyways. We need to show them love even though it can be hard and be an example of a good driver.

The hardest part about this week has been the biking. We don't have a car because the previous elders crashed into a stop sign and messed up our car. So now we have to bike everywhere. Our apartment is 5 miles out of the area we are assigned, so that sucks. So everyday we bike 5 miles to the area and bike around to appointments until at night, then we bike 5 miles back to the apartment. Even though this may seem like it's pretty bad, my legs are going to get massive. The members make up for it though, there are so many in Las Vegas and they are so nice and feed us all the time. Biking with Elder Reykow has been fun too. Not gonna lie, were are both pretty hilarious, so we run into a lot of great situations. 

Well, I love all of you and I'm so grateful that you listen to my emails. Just know I think about you guys and wish you the best. 

Until next week,
Elder Pack

The cows here


Me in an XXXL shirt

A local park

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