

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I Wanna Be A Rattlesnake Hunter


Life here is really great in the mission field! Not only am I working hard, but it's also a ton of fun. I am very blessed to be in a fantastic ward with so many people. I love meeting everyone in the ward because literally everyone is so interesting. I have only had to make food a couple of times, which has been pretty epic.

One of the coolest people that I've met here is a rattlesnake hunter. This guy, FOR FUN, goes out and captures rattlesnakes alive. The dude just picks them up with a hook and puts them in a bag. Then when he gets back to his house he puts the bag in a freezer so the snake will curl up and look cool then just die. It's pretty awesome. He showed us all his rattlesnakes in his freezer and they all look alive which is freaky but totally awesome. I wish I took a picture. Elder Rehkow is super scared of snakes so he wasn't having it. Since the rattlesnake hunter is in our ward, I asked if we could go snake hunting with him but Elder Rehkow vetoed that. Lame.

Most of the people grew up and still live in Las Vegas. I don't blame them, this place is pretty cool. I mean, I am in the perfect season right now. Even though it's winter, it's 70 degrees. It's so nice! Nights get pretty cold though, especially when your riding a bike and get blasted with some wind. Every time I bring up how nice it is, people can't wait to be negative about the summers here. Apparently the summers here make people go insane. I bet I can handle it though, I'm a tough cookie. Yeah but anyways, it's so nice here.
What my area looks like.

What my area looks like when there is a sunset

Speaking of bikes, WE GOT OUR CAR BACK! The previous elders crashed our car so that's why we were on bikes. I wouldn't mind it if the bike I rented from the mission office wasn't garbage. If I ever get stuck on bike again I'm going out and buying my own, this thing literally was the worst. The best part is that Las Vegas is basically a giant bowl so you feel like your always going uphill. Anyways, we got our car back. They fixed it all up and now it's good as new. Being on bike really gave me a perspective though, I will never take a car for granted. The car is super nice too, it has like bluetooth and stuff. Growing up, I never had bluetooth in my car. What a blessing.

Picture of my bike. It looks big in the picture but its super small. 

Friday was Elder Rehkow's birthday which was pretty cool. Someone in the ward dropped off a ice cream cake and we have been eating ice cream cake every night. Elder Rehkow and I have been getting along well. We are both very different people so sometimes I want to give him a knuckle sandwich. But we are patient with each other so it works out pretty great. One thing weird that I do is I'll just zone out or something and my brain is just completely inactive so I'll end up staring at Elder Rehkow. Every time he thinks I'm mad at him or something but I'm actually just lacking any brain activity.

Elder Rehkow and his birthday brownie
while we were hanging out with some members 

This week a miracle happened. I have been praying for someone to teach because all we have been doing is hanging out with members and that's great and all... but I wanna teach. We were street contacting (basically you just walk around and talk to people and see if there interested in a message about Jesus Christ) and we asked this guy if he was interested about hearing a message about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. And he looked at us and was like, Sure. So we set up a time Tuesday when we were going to teach. I'm actually so excited to teach it's crazy. I'll let you guys know about how well it goes next week. 

A tree with some yellow fruit (I don't think they're lemons)

We get fed all the time so this is one of the first meals
Elder Rehkow and I made

Another picture of the bike I had to ride for the last few weeks.

I wish I could express in words my testimony. I am so thankful for my savior Jesus Christ and this opportunity to be a missionary. It has been so awesome and fun and hard at the same time. I know that Jesus really did walk the earth and die for us. And I'm not just saying that, I know for a FACT. I'm grateful for a Prophet in the latter-days that could guide us. 

I love all of you and hope that you can feel God's love in your life. 

Elder Pack
A selfie of me walking around

1 comment:

  1. I know that zoned out look :) I love your posts! I hope the teaching goes well!!


The End

  Well, this is it. Two full years in serving God. I can't believe it's over. This last week I've been reflecting on my mission ...