

Monday, June 21, 2021

Goodbye Greenie....

 Hola Todos!

Well, today is the end of the transfer and we got our transfer details. Unfortunately, my trainee and I are getting separated. I was so sad when I got the details. Elder Caldwell is staying in Vegas Zone and I am getting transferred to the Lone Meadows zone. I am big sad. However, my new companion is really awesome. I've been with him for like 12 hours and I already love him. His name is Elder Mcgee and he is from Utah. He is another ginger haha and is so awesome. Such a hard worker and diligent missionary, which is super good. I need to work hard. Our apartment is the oldest apartment in the mission but it is still a good apartment. There is a hole in the door to one of the rooms so that's a little odd. My new roommates are Elder Child and his new trainee. 

Saying goodbye to everyone in the previous zone was a little sad but I love meeting new people and transferring. I was especially sad to say goodbye to Elder Zuniga, my MTC companion who was in Vegas Zone with me. Getting to see more of the area and experience new companions is great. I'm excited to work in the area and I feel really comfortable in this ward. It's called the Cheyenne ward and it's pretty small which is great... but I'm on bike again. Its going to start being above 110 degrees and I really don't want to bike in that weather but it's the Lord's will. 
Elder Zuniga and I

I had a bunch of weird experiences happen while I was in that area. The people were so interested. I loved them, but they were interesting to say the least. A lot of experiences that I can't unsee for sure. A cool thing I got to do last week was eat sword fish with a member. I don't know why but every member dinner we had this week we ate fish. I do NOT like fish. Like I'll eat it if I had to, but if I have a choice I won't. I ate salmon this week and then swordfish the next day. When the Bishop rolled up with some swordfish I was like "bruh.... you've got to be joking." 

I met this lady named Debbie who was not interested in a message but she literally was my favorite person ever. We met her in our apartment complex and she came to our apartment every other day and gave us cookies, meatloaf, and a whole crock pot full of a Sunday roast. Debbie became the best person ever. She said she wanted to serve the Lord by serving us but didn't want to hear our message or be baptized. We were like "Debbie that literally makes no sense" but free meatloaf is free meatloaf.

We got to speak at a baptism for a random little kid in our ward and it was so cool. Elder Caldwell gave the funniest and most spiritual object lesson ever with a baseball and a glove. Ayson, the kid getting baptized, loved it! Elder Caldwell and I signed a baseball glove and gave it to him since he loved baseball and it was so cool.
Ayson's Baptism

I got my first "aggressive driving" on the mission. Our car has a device that detects our driving and monitors our speed and stuff. So an aggressive driving means that we took a turn too fast or slowed down to fast or got t-boned by a semi truck. I slowed down too fast and the car yelled aggressive driving at me. I was so angry because I've never gotten one before and didn't plan on it haha. I wanted to go my whole mission without getting one. Whatever I guess haha.... 
Homemade ice cream


Making El Salvadorian Papusas

I want to share an experience I heard from Elder Sheridan and Dew, my roommates last transfer. They told me this story of a guy they are teaching and its so odd. So as an Elder for the Church, we can give blessings and stuff like that for people. This guy that these Elders were teaching was blind for a year! Basically, an Elder gave him a blessing and he literally received his sight. It was a miracle! However, even after months and months, this guy is still not baptized. He refuses to be baptized yet but he knows that the blessing was from God and it restored his sight. But he is halting his progression for some reason. This is a witness unto me that signs don't create conversion. We are converted and then we see signs. I hear of so many people that claim they would be baptized if they could see a sign but that'
s not how is works. Signs don't create conversion. 

Anyways I love you all and am so thankful that you are reading my emails. I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Pack 

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