

Monday, June 14, 2021

This is the Lord's work!

 Hola todos! 

It's crazy how fast this transfer went by! Transfer details come next week! I feel like I just got here with Elder Caldwell and now we could be leaving. It's going to be sad if I get transferred because I love the people here. The Elders I live with are especially incredible. Elder Sheridan is such a funny and hardworking Elder. He literally extended his mission so he could serve a little longer. I find that so noble, at least that's just what I think. He is finishing up his last transfer with Elder Dew in the Spanish branch. Elder Dew is so fun too. He is exactly obedient and it inspires me. They are just a powerful companionship. Elder Dew just learned he was going to be district leader next transfer and training a new missionary. Anyway, the area is really good and I will be big sad if I have to leave. 

We're still reading the Book of Mormon with Eric and playing basketball with his friends. His parents are showing a little more interest now too. We met his dad for the first time and he was so nice. He literally said he appreciated us stopping by and teaching Eric and playing with his friends. He says we're making a big impact on this 9-year old. We tried to see if we could teach his dad but he said he was super busy. But apparently all Eric does at home is talk about us and how cool we are. Eric's favorite Book of Mormon character is Nephi because he is the youngest brother in Lehi's family. He loves how even though Nephi was the youngest, he was the closest with God and he chose him to be a leader. Since Eric is the youngest and is learning about God and enjoying it, he relates to Nephi a lot. We just got done finishing reading Enos with him in the children's Book of Mormon and he loves it.

It was literally so funny, so Ann, Eric's mom, tried introducing this new idea of just going to church every other week instead of every week with the kids. She was trying to find an excuse not to go but Eric literally shot her down so fast. He was like, no mom, I will go to sacrament meeting EVERY WEEK! I cant afford to miss a Sunday! Afterwards I just started laughing, like Ann just got absolutely wrecked by that 9-year-old. I was like "Well Ann, the kids have spoken. Every week it is!" Eric inspires me so much. I want to have that same attitude for the rest of my life, "I cannot afford to miss any Sundays! I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded!" He's such an awesome kid. I really hope we can help him enter the waters of baptism one day and that his family will follow.

One of the most funniest things happened this week and scariest. I was so shook. So we were playing basketball with some of Eric's friends in the street. His neighborhood is legit pretty sketch. Like I wouldn't walk around after dark here ever. We hear some rap music in the distance and we see this guy riding a bicycle towards us. This dude straight up looked like Stevie Wonder and pulling up on a 50$ bike. He's blasting some random sound cloud rapper while he pulls out this gun from his pants. He starts laughing and shooting us with a jelly gun. Now at the moment I didn't realize it was jelly but I thought we were all going to die. Eric legit screams, "It's a drive by!!!!" Everyone was getting shot with the jelly gun and those things kinda stung. It was similar to airsoft or a BB gun. Like afterwards we laughed for a bit but it was pretty wack. Apparently the biker was the dad of one of the kids.

I won't discuss some of the stuff I see here in this neighborhood. It's pretty sketch. It reminds me exactly why I'm serving a mission. Because I want to help people, I see the people here and I want them to receive so many blessings from this gospel. What's cool is that we can talk with so many people here. We can find people to teach left and right. We found this one couple named Melissa and Brandon. We taught them the plan of salvation and they loved it so much. They seem like pretty solid people to teach who follow commitments. We found them while I was on exchanges with one of the zone leaders. It wasn't the best plan of salvation lesson but it had the spirit. It also had like 40 cats. Melissa had so many cats and they were just in love with us. 
Playing a board game on PDay called Root

Bruh! Its 109 degrees.

We put Elijah on date to be baptized! He hasn't been wanting to come to church though so we need a miracle. This kid just has no desire to come to church. I literally have no idea why Karen, his grandmother who is a member, is not pushing him to go to church. He is a good kid and keeps commitments but literally won't come to church. So yeah were kinda stumped! Buddy and Rose are also doing good. We couldn't teach them this week so that really threw a wrench in our plans. They're kinda worried about baptism but we just need to meet with them and then we can ease their concerns. 

Honestly I'm so glad I could be serving here in Las Vegas. This is exactly where I need to be and there are people I'm changing. I am also changing. My life now is so different and sometimes I can't recognize the person I'm becoming. It's pretty wild. Its hard but it's also so worth it. I am literally making an impact on peoples lives. I feel so awesome! By the way for all of those who emailed me, I unfortunately didn't get anytime to email. There were a lot of people I wanted to write but I ended up distracted. But anyways I wanted to share my testimony of Jesus Christ in Spanish before I closed the email.

Yo sé que este evangelio es verdadero. Testifico que a través del la expiación de Jesucristo podemos regresar a dios. He leído el libro de mormón y yo sé que es la palabra de dios. José Smith fue un profeta de dios y podemos recibir respuestas a nuestras preguntas. Si oramos para saber si este es verdadero, recibiremos un respuesta a través del espíritu santo. 

Gracias por tu tiempo y los amo!

Elder Pack 

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