

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I have an eggplant.


Well, we started the new transfer! Transfers are always so shocking and it can be pretty crazy with new changes. I already talked about that last week, but now I got to find out what was new haha. Let's just hop right into it. 

So as teaching goes, we are still teaching the same people, Cody, Amber, Wyatt, Jabri, Javier, Marita, and more. But we found two new people this week which was cool. They seem pretty interested but we'll see what happens. We teach so many restoration lessons and then come back for another appointment and they're like, "haha psych! I actually don't care about learning more or praying about the Book of Mormon." I love teaching all of these people though. I am most excited for Wyatt's baptism on the 28th. Everyone we're teaching is pretty cool and they keep commitments well which is good. 

So there are some new changes with the Lone Meadows Zone and in the Cheyenne Ward. First of all, 70% of the original missionaries here dipped and we got a bunch of new ones. Also, we got 32 new missionaries in the mission and mostly everyone here in this zone is training a new missionary, except Elder McGee and I. It's kinda fun having so many newbies in the zone. Also Elder Zuniga returned to this zone again, so that's pretty neat. Seems like it's going to be an excellent transfer. ALSO, our ward go shrocked when we found out were not the only missionaries in our ward anymore. We have 2 sets of missionaries, and they're sisters. Their names are Sister Harris and Black and they seem fun. Now we have to work together and I don't really know how were going to do that so we are going to have a free for all. They also cover the Portuguese branch so they're balancing both assignments. And of course they have a car and we are stilling chilling on the bikes. 

Also speaking of the bikes, I popped both of my tires again. I was so angry. The road here is just completely covered in glass and garbage. We checked the rims again and tubes to make sure there wasn't anything inside that was poking them. I'm so frustrated and hate this junky bike. But, I'm too lazy to waste P-Day time to get a new one. That's 4 flat tires in the past two weeks. I guess I'm just going to have to buy new rims or something. 

And that's about it for this week. Super lame and super boring. Actually, something fun did happen. We got an eggplant from a member. So now we are going to figure out a way to cook eggplant. Maybe someday this week we will throw some garbage together and make something fun with the eggplant. I imagine it might be good in a soup or something. 

I'm actually kinda glad there are Sisters in the ward now though. Even though they're stealing all our member dinners and baptisms... haha just kidding... no they're actually helpful. This ward is really big and their help is much needed. Everyone loves sisters so much more than elders though. When the sisters came in they were swarmed by the members during church. I was like bruh. So now it might be a competition with them no biggie. 

Anyways this week went by super fast and not a whole lot to talk about but I will share a short scripture because I LOVE short scriptures. 

"29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another." - 3 Nephi 11:29 

This means I shouldn't be mad and yell at my dumb bike because that is the spirit of contention. I also run into a lot of people that want to fight but this scripture is a good reminder of my purpose and who I represent. I represent Jesus Christ and He doesn't fight. Enough said. 

I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I know that Jesus is Real. I know that because I have read and prayed about the Book of Mormon. Because of that, I know I can live with my family forever. Thank you all so much for reading my emails and I wish the best for all of you. 

Elder Pack 

We tye-dyed t-shirts (this ones mine)

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