

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Week of Miracles

 Hola otra vez, 

This was a week of miracles. Probably one of the most incredible weeks on my mission so far. Each day brought new miracles and it had some many experiences that I will never forget. Seriously, just a fantastic week. It was a long week too and I felt like it took forever. 
The Sister missionaries and us in the Cheyenne Ward

First of all, the days are inching closer towards Wyatt's baptism. We're so excited for him. He is such a funny kid. He cracks me up so much. It's so cool to be impacting the Cheyenne ward for the better. His family is returning to activity and Wyatt is such an awesome addition to the young men's group. There aren't a lot of youth here and seeing the group grow because of our efforts is such a cool feeling. The ward here has 700 members in the ward boundaries but only 200 show up to church. Not even that, it's pretty small. But what's so cool is that people are coming back! 

So here is miracle number one: sacrament meeting had so many people at church. It was so full. And almost every single one of the less active members we have met with came. We were blown away when we saw them walk in. Less active family after family walked through those doors. Some that I didn't even think would come. Individuals coming and partaking of the sacrament again after years of inactivity. It was so cool seeing familiar face after familiar face just walk through the doors. Seeing the fruit of our labors working with members is so awesome. So yeah first miracle.

Second miracle: Javier is on date to be baptized. Craziest night of my mission ever. For real. This lesson was all in Spanish and the spirit was so strong we invited Javier to be baptized in a restoration lesson. And he said YES. He was like, "yeah I'm busy this Sunday but next week I could." All four of us elders in that lesson were shocked. Just blown away by the amount of faith he had. Elder McGee doesn't even speak Spanish and he knew what was going on and was blown away. We walked out of the lesson and just started freaking out. We got to the car and then said a prayer of thanks to God and thanked him for the generous miracle we have just experienced. So now, we have two people on date to be baptized this transfer. 

Third miracle: we hit almost ALL of our goals this week. We found all the new people that we wanted to find, put another person on date, and almost had everyone we were teaching at church. We were so close. After every new found person or miracle we then said a prayer of thanks to God. 

Fourth miracle: We had interviews with President Reese and for those who don't know, basically we get one on one time with the president for five minutes. Also, those of you that know me well I can be pretty awkward sometimes. I was so awkward in the interview but it's whatever. President Reese is just so intimidating and he kinda scares me sometimes. The miracle was that if we get a surge of new missionaries again this next transfer then I would be training in a SPANISH AREA next transfer! But he also told me to be patient and that my time would come to be in a Spanish branch or ward. I basically started freaking out. I've been wanting to be in a Spanish area since I've been here. I love being in an English ward but seriously I want to learn Spanish and It's brutally difficult when I'm not in a Spanish area. So yeah, next transfer could be crazy but I will be patiently waiting. I could still be in an English ward next transfer but I know that one day I will. 

Fifth miracle: My bleached tie dye shirt that I made last week turn out amazing. It's so cool and I am so glad that it looks good. Such an awesome shirt.
Elder Child, McGee, Llontop and I in our t-dye shirts

I have no idea why I'm standing like that, don't ask

Now these aren't all of the miracles that happened but there are so many more. So many happened this week and I've appreciated them so much. After every miracle I always say a prayer of gratitude with my companion. Maybe that's why I have experienced so many? We are always praying for miracles but we must say thank you for when the miracles happen. I remember just sitting there at the end of my week reminiscing on all the incredible miracles we have seen. This is the Lord's work and I am an actual representative of Jesus Christ. I have been called by Him to declare His word among his people. 

Me holding a chicken

Elder McGee holding the chicken

Me and the boys in the car

I love you all and wish you the best. Thank you for your prayers and everything you do for me. 

Elder Pack 
Our whole district

The sister missionaries and the chicken

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