

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Let's Go Get Olive Garden!

 Hola todos,

Well, I officially hit my 9 months a couple days ago. Elder McGee hit his 9 months too so we decided to celebrate. I suggested getting ice cream or whatever, Elder McGee said Olive Garden. So we went to Olive Garden. Now, I'm not the hugest Olive Garden fan because I've been there only twice and it's ight, but my companion loves it for some reason. So to prepare practicing submitting to and compliance to my future wife one day, I agreed to go out of my comfort zone and eat Olive garden. It wasn't too bad. We had some soup and pasta and it was pretty good. Anyways, this week was pretty good too. It was full of miracles and hilarious moments so let's just dive into it. 

As of writing this it's my P-Day and my mission president is going to do something super special this P-Day. He's taking us to a baseball game at 6:00 PM. Elder McGee loves baseball so he's super hyped. I'm just excited to watch a sport. It's an Aviators game and the whole mission is going. There is going to be a section reserved for all 200 of us missionaries in Las Vegas. 
Zone Conference Pic

Elder McGee loves baseball so much and he has been waiting for this moment for weeks. His favorite team is the Cubs which is pretty cool. I like the Cubs a little too. To prepare for catching a home run during the game, Elder McGee and I have been playing catch and baseball every morning for our exercise time. 

A recent convert is going to the temple for the first time pretty soon and he invited Elder McGee and I to join him! What's even cooler is he asked me to be his escort. I was pretty excited but his temple appointment is after transfers so Elder McGee and I could be transferred. So I was pretty bummed about that. Maybe I can ask my mission president to let me come back so I can help him with that, but I don't know. To be honest, I'm just ecstatic that he invited me to do that personally for him. Even though I might not be able to make it, the fact that he asked me means a lot to me. 

Another pretty cool miracle this week was how many people we're teaching showed up to church. We had a lot of people we were teaching but the sisters in our ward were on the gas. Sisters are basically cheat codes. For elders, we have to go out of our way to talk to people but sisters just have to stand there and people find them. It's a little ridiculous. Between this ward and the Portuguese branch, they had 14 people that they're teaching at church. I was like bruh. The sister missionaries in the Cheyenne ward are good at what they do I guess. The Cheyenne ward has been popping off though, and seeing inactive families returning is so sweet. We're chipping away at this inactive 400+ number and going off. I love the families here too and I've made some awesome friends here. The people are so sweet. Our bishop is hilarious too. This guy straight up bribes some of the kids sometimes to come to the activities. It's wild. Just some fun times.

The sister missionaries, Sister Black and Harris, had a crazy miracle that they told us about the other day. Saturday night they were contacting and ran into a lady and they felt prompted to invite her to church Sunday. All they did was hand her a pass along card and say church was the next day. Then on Sunday, Elder McGee and I welcomed her into church and thought she was a member the whole time. She brought her entire family. She even stayed for the second hour and made it to relief society and her son was in the priests quorum. It was so crazy. Everyone thought her son was a member because this dude was dropping bombs about how the word of wisdom was inspired by God because of coffee. It was wild. Now her family is coming back next Sunday and the kids want to go to mutual. Seriously, miracles happen, it's crazy! 

Other than that, not a lot happened this week. Wyatt is getting baptized this weekend and Javier is getting baptized soon too. It's funny, most of the people that I find end up going to the Spanish ward. We keep giving referrals to them. I'm not even in a Spanish ward but Elder McGee and I doing so much work for them. It was sad to officially refer Javier to the Rainbow Vista Spanish ward but it had to be done. 

I think there is a huge trend in the scriptures that I wanted to point out. Literally almost everywhere in the scriptures we read something along the lines of "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you." I have a testimony of this, and I know that if you ask God, you will receive, if it be a righteous desire. I find that so cool. Just the other day, Elder McGee and I wanted to find one last new person Sunday night after 8:00 pm. So we were walking around and then said a prayer with righteous desires to find one new person to teach. After 10 minutes we found a guy named Booker who was our new person. It was so sweet, taught him the restoration, gave him a book of Mormon and asked him to pray about it and now we are coming back in a couple days to see how his prayer went. He may not be the most elect person but I know that if he prays then God will tell him that the Book of Mormon is true. This is a huge testimony to me that if you ask, you shall receive if it be a righteous desire. I know that this church is true and that Jesus Christ leads this church through a latter-day prophet and apostles. If you want something, ask. 

Elder Pack 

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