

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Oops! That's a lot of bleach


This is confirmed my last week with Elder Plaster. Wow I am so sad. At least I have a week left and I can prepare for the next transfer, but I love my companion so much. I'm probably going to be super depressed without him. President told me a couple weeks ago and that confirmed I will be in a Spanish area and so I won't be with Elder Plaster anymore. Besides, he's so ready to train a new missionary it's not even funny. It's time for him to move on. So sad. I would love to train again, but I know that won't happen probably again. I've trained twice and half trained someone so it's more than likely I'll not get that opportunity again, but it was awesome. I'm also almost positive I won't be the district leader anymore which is exciting and sad. I'm so ready for it and look forward to it honestly.
A weird picture of me teaching at district council   

Anyways this week was good. We are still teaching the same people and none of our friends came to church again. Lame sauce. We are always finding lots of people, but all our progressing people are needing some help with sacrament meeting. Edgar is still on date to be baptized but he will get baptized next transfer and I will already be transferred so that's lame. We also found a lot of part member families who all want to be baptized so whoever the next elders are next transfer, they will probably have at least 5 baptisms which makes me sad that I couldn't bring them to the waters of baptism this transfer. But it's whatever, I guess. It's a present to the future elders. We had a lot of inactive part member families come to church though, just no one that we are consistently teaching. We had 5 different inactive households show up to church and 3 of them it was their first time in 20 years. All because we have been grinding. That was cool to see. One of those guys was an inactive member guy who has been through some stuff, and he lives in a trailer. We did a member lesson in his trailer and apparently, he was a film producer and stuff and now he's kinda lost. The baptisms will be plentiful next transfer. This has actually happened a lot in my mission where I'll teaching someone and then the next transfer after I leave, they get baptized. That's happened a couple times, but I know the Lord knows I work really hard even if my mission president doesn't think I can baptize haha....

So, any who, on a positive note we are moving out of the cockroach apartment this week. Even if it is the last week of the transfer we are finally moving out. The new apartment is apparently super nice. I am very excited but not excited to close down another apartment. I did it with Elder Mcgee and now I get to do it again. Kind wack. Also, here's another fun thing. Someone broke into the apartment below us and completely destroyed the door. That was cool, gotta love Las Vegas. 
Look at all those baby cockroaches in a trap   

Also, Elder Hunter Carter left for Chile on his mission so Elder Rojas entered another trio with Elder Haws and Lewis. They are living with us now. It's pretty awesome and I love those guys. Elder Lewis is one of the nicest guys I have ever met, and he literally enjoys cleaning. He says it's relaxing so he's grinded on the apartment and deep cleaned every crack. That was awesome. He's such a beast. Elder Haws was a zone leader for a long time and now he is at the end of his mission. He's a beast as well. Elder Rojas is kind of a goober, so the relationship is awesome.

Elder Lewis though when he was deep cleaning the apartment decided to go absolutely ham on the dishes which is awesome, but we ran out of dish soap, so he found some purple stuff under the sink to use. I remember coming up to him and being like wow you found more dish soap? And he was like yeah under the sink. So, I checked under the sink and found what he was talking about and apparently it actually was all purpose cleaner with bleach and not dish soap. I was like bruh and he was like oops that's not dish soap, but it was already too late because he literally washed every dish with it. I'm sure it's not a big deal and won't kill us but it's kinda wack to eat on our plates now. Elder Plaster and I then made an emergency Walmart run and bought dish soap. 
Our apartment is super nice except for 
the cockroaches.

Yeah, so that's about it this week. Got new roommates and hung out with a guy in a trailer and he said and did stuff that was kinda weird, but we won't talk about it too much. Anyways I love you all and I'll super grateful that you all read my super long emails. Thanks for everything. 

Elder Pack     
Me and Elder Plaster checking out this TV that actually works!

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