

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Cheyenne 2.0 and Red Gumballs

 Hola a todos! 

What an incredible last week. I don't even know where to start. This email might be a bit shorter just because this day is my transfer P-Day and I don't have a lot of time.

This week went by super slowly because the work wasn't super fast paced. But we did see a lot of blessings and left the area with 3 more people on date to be baptized. Love teaching them. I hope they can still be baptized next transfer. I actually ended up getting transferred to a new area. Alta Loma is getting completely split up and everyone is basically leaving. There were 7 missionaries in the ward so that's kinda wack. Elder Medina is going to Spring Lakes and I am going to serve in Rainbow Vista as the district leader again. Didn't think I'd get transferred but here we are. I talked with Elder Plaster and he is getting transferred too. He's going to the Stonemountain Ward in Elkhorn Springs, that's the same ward I came out in! Super cool and I'm excited for him.

My District

A little about Rainbow Vista, it's a pretty large area with 8 missionaries in the ward. We all speak Spanish and are teaching a lot of Spanish speaking people. The boundaries also cover the Cheyenne ward so I'll be working in the Cheyenne ward boundaries again. It's like the same ward with a Spanish twist. So excited. The Cheyenne ward was the ward that I was in with Elder Mcgee and Wheeler. Also Wyatt got baptized there. Super awesome experience and I am excited to serve there again. 

A huge line of buggies in Logandale

My new companion is Elder Keele and he's from Utah. I know him well and I'm super excited to work with him. He's in this mission reassigned from Peru. 

I watched general conference this week at a lot of members houses which was cool. It was all in English which was surprising. A lot of people in Alta Loma spoke English for some reason. I received a lot of insight and I particularly love the missionary work emphasis during conference. 

Here's a funny story. We went to Logandale with our zone leaders and that night we went together to go get ice cream. We ended up spending our dinner break at night eating ice cream in this old fashioned ice cream place. So fun. There was this gumball machine with a bunch of different colored gumballs in it and a couple red ones. If you spun it and got a red one then you got a free shaved ice. It cost 25 cents each time. We were eating our shaved ice that we bought and a 13 year old kid came inside the store and started spinning the gumballs to win the free shaved ice. After 3 missed failures he decided to give up, but we started to encourage him to keep going. Eventually he did and the whole store started getting in on it. He kept spending quarters and the whole store was like YEAH YEAH! COME ON!  Literally like 10 people, it was insane. Then eventually after spending 7$ worth of quarters which would've bought 3 shaved ices he quit and ran outside. It was kinda sad but hilarious. Then I decided to spin the quarter that I had in my pocket and got the red one on my first try. Everyone In the store was like YOOOOOO!! We were laughing so hard but Elder Medina and I decided to run outside and find the kid. We eventually found him and gave him the gumball. It was a wholesome and hilarious experience that I will never forget. 
Shaved ice cream store

Cleaning our apartment 

Elder Rehkow and Medina being goobers

I relate this story to listening to peer pressure. We shouldn't heed to what the wicked say and should press on holding fast to the rod, no matter what happens we shouldn't listen but we should keep our eye focused on the Savior, even if 4 dumb missionaries are pressuring you to spend 7$ buying like 40 gumballs. 

Love you all,
Elder Neil Pack 

My Mission President running the 5K

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