

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Elder Pack is Back


I need to speed run this email because I don't have a lot of time left. Just an awesome week with a lot of really awesome experiences. So excited to be back in the Lone Meadows zone in the Rainbow Vista ward. Never thought I'd be here. I remember being in the Cheyenne ward living with the Rainbow Vista elders and now I'm in Rainbow Vista living with the Cheyenne elders. This week has been so fun. Such a great week.

First of all, my companion is a stud. He is a D1 athlete going to BYU after the mission. Elder Keele is going to play football for BYU, he's an offensive lineman. He is so nice and friendly but super obedient as well. He is literally such a wholesome guy. This week has been so great, he's becoming a great friend. He is from Morgan, Utah. We are learning Spanish together too so this week we've been able to improve in our Spanish a lot because we both suck. It makes it where both of us need to be 100% on our guard. 

Rainbow Vista is basically the Cheyenne boundaries but in Spanish. I work only with the Spanish speaking people and try to find them. It's been really fun but super hard. Finding Spanish speakers has been tough. Especially ones that are interested. I'm going to need a miracle and some crazy revelation to baptize this transfer. There are a couple of people that we are teaching that could be baptized. For example, Marco is someone we are teaching, and he could definitely be baptized. We taught a great restoration lesson and we knelt in prayer afterwards to know if it was true. I invited him to be baptized afterwards but he didn't accept it. Atleast we invited and showed him what our expectations were. It was a good lesson and I know that as he keeps praying and reading then he will find his answer. 

I got to go to a baptism for a part member family that I taught in the Cheyenne ward. Remember Wyatt? It was his little sister. So cool. Her dad got to baptized her and give her the Holy Ghost. So amazing to see them progress. An incredible miracle. I know that I needed to be in that ward for how long I was and that the Lord sends us where we need to go. Wyatt's dad told me I was their favorite missionary which made me feel really special. I worked with them a lot and I love them so much. I got to hug the dad after the baptism, and I let him know he was doing the right thing for his family. 

I ate dinner with the Barkers again this week. They used to feed us every week in the Cheyenne ward. It was like seeing old friends and we reminisced on old times. Brother Barker is one of my favorite people ever.

The district is great, our unity is super strong, and we've been having a lot of fun. I keep sending everyone on scavenger hunts to find stuff while tracting. One of them was to take a selfie with a toilet outside. One of the Elders had a sick miracle where they found a toilet outside and took a selfie with it. Then they knocked the door and found a Spanish lady who wants to get baptized. Dang, guess I receive mad toilet revelation. Love the Lord and I honestly think he has a sense of humor.

We've been talking with lots of people and my Spanish has improved a lot. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting in only Spanish and it was actually pretty good. I talked about how to be powerful member missionaries. The ward seemed hyped afterwards. I wrote the whole talk without translating it in Google translate before or afterwards. So, I hope people actually understood it. I thought it was halfway decent. 

Well, that was my whole week. Love this ward, love my companion, love the Lord. This will be a powerful life changing transfer. Just know that life is good for me right now. I'm grateful for the blessings that I've been given. 


Elder Neil Pack

My selfie because I didn't take any pictures this week

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