

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

From the Gospel to Solar Panels


Here we are again, another week down. A couple weeks ago I was trunky a little bit, but I actually had a pretty cool spiritual awakening haha. I realized with only two transfers left I need to make every moment count. Now I'm actually super at peace with everything. Anyways let's jump into the week. 

Teaching wise, yeah, we dropped everyone again. So awesome. We are still teaching Juan though, and Juan might get baptized. He's been following with commitments however church is really hard for him. What's cool about Juan is he literally buys us lunch every time we have a lesson with him. We've had three lessons and three of the most delicious lunches ever. What a stud.


We are also teaching another lady who claims to be psychic. We passed her off recently because she speaks English.

We had an awesome P-Day activity today. We planned it where everyone came to the church building and ate Chick- Fil A and played some games. They were all water bottle themed because everyone was collecting water bottles throughout the transfer as like a goal, we tried to exceed every week. It was super fun and each game we played today was water bottle themed. We have bottle bowling, target practice, water bottle chugging, sculpture building, and a lot more. It was super fun. After the water bottle chugging contest two elders puked and it was so cool. The Chick-fil-A was catered to us and free as well. They donated it to the church because the owner was Elder Dawson cousin. Free lunch. Also, president came and was chugging water bottles with us and going hard with building the water bottle tower.

Okay funny story. So, we ended up meeting a bunch of guys selling solar panels and decided to team up with them. It was their idea and they wanted to learn from us. We've been doing this for 20 months so we're pretty experienced and so they wanted to learn since they've only been doing this for a couple weeks. It was pretty disobedient, but we paired off and did exchanges with them for a couple hours. We could always see our companion, but I definitely don't recommend doing that for other missionaries. It was really hilarious; we'd offer the gospel and then solar. The solar guys weren't very good, so I gave them lots of tips. They also gave me tips as well. I also tried to share the gospel with the solar guys, but they weren't having it. It was fun though. 

Another funny tid bit about Las Vegas. Every Wendy's fast food place suck and it crusty. It's literally like the walking dead in there. People act like zombies. Wish we got a picture haha. 

Anyways that was pretty much my week. I love you all and hope these next few months of my life don't go by fast. 

"And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers, and a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts, and they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God. And behold, they were faithful until the end; therefore they were saved." -Alma 5:13

Elder Neil Pack

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