

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Are You Single?


Can't believe another week is down and another transfer is gone too. I'm going to miss these days. Anyways today is transfer day so I need to write this speedy quick!

This transfer was a 5 week transfer instead of 6. This means that the next one is 7 weeks long! That is definitely going to feel mega long. It's going to be fun though. Our new mission president is about to come in and everyone is super excited. This is going to change the mission for the better... I hope haha. Anyways life has been good. We got the same old stuff going on. Visiting members and tracting. All that fun stuff. We had over 110 members show up to the sacrament meeting which was awesome. This tiny ward has grown so much. Love to see returning members come back especially in a Spanish ward that was struggling so hard. Our teaching is getting smaller now as we had to drop some people, super lame.

The district is super awesome. The elders and the sisters here are so fun. It's too much fun sometimes haha. It's sad to see some of them go on. Transfers came up so it's time to spice this up. Lots of people in our district are getting transferred. Now that I help lead the zone, I got to call everyone and tell them about where they will be going for transfers. It was super fun to hear people's reactions. Some of them were not happy, one of them even called our roommates (the APs) and chewed him out. It was hilarious. I'm staying in rainbow Vista and so is some other missionaries. Elder Posadas is leaving, and my new companion is Elder Dawson. I'm super excited for that. He was in my online MTC workshops before the mission, so I knew him from there, now we get to serve as companions. That's super cool! I'm sad to see Elder Posadas go, he was an incredible missionary and an even better friend.

Funny story from the week, so we got to join a mission wide zoom call and get a virtual tour of the Hill Cumorah. That was pretty cool. A sister missionary who was serving her mission there was giving us the tour, she will finish her mission out as a proselyting missionary in our mission later. During the tour we got to see lots of cool stuff, but my favorite part was afterwards. There was a Q&A portion where we got to ask all these questions. Some dingus missionary who accidently left his microphone on during the zoom call was speaking to his companion without realizing that the entire mission could hear him. So what's hilarious is that he told his companion that he should ask her if she was single. So the entire mission hears are you single in the Q&A and we all start dying. Then our mission president says "easy fellas" over zoom. You'd just have to be there, it was so great. 

Anyways that's basically the entire week. Nothing really happened. Also here are some pictures of my district that a member took of us.

Elder Neil Pack

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