

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Lost in a Thrift Store


Crazy how fast these weeks go. Feel like it was yesterday when I was writing my last email. It's also going to feel extra fast because this transfer is only going to be 5 weeks. It's because our mission president wants the new mission president to come and not be stressed because of transfers. He wants it to be a smooth transition. The new presidents name is President Bruce Nielson, and he's from Texas. He seems like a super great guy. He'll be here in three weeks. Super wild. 
Just chillin' in the President's office

Anyways, so Spanish is going a lot better now. I can speak a lot better. I super wish I was fluent because there are moments where I miss a couple words and I start to lose control of what's going on. My companion is fluent though and helps me so that's nice. Elder Posadas is a great guy. He's just like a big Honduran teddy bear. Everybody loves him. We get along super well. Living in the house is still just fantastic. It's a great time. We're just super spoiled and I love it. Hopefully I stay here another transfer but we'll see where the Lord wants me. Honestly life is just really good right now so I'm worried that pretty soon poop is going to hit the fan.
The massage chair in our house   

We're doing a space theme with the zone and I like making things just so stupid so that's been fun. We keep it spiritual of course but I don't mind having a lot of fun. I also went on exchanges with Elder Spafford the other day. That was super cool. He's the assistant to the president. It was pretty fun. Talked with a lot of people and tracked a lot. 

I had a funny story during the exchange where basically 3-4 hour of our exchange was spent on a baptismal interview. We started out great and visited some people but then we made our way to Deseret industries for a baptismal interview. (Deseret industries is basically a thrift store like goodwill). The lady that was getting baptized was working there and we were going to do the interview on her break. So we get there and Elder Spafford's district leader and his companion were there. They didn't want too many missionaries storming DI so Elder Little and I just stayed in the car while Elder Spafford and Kunz went inside looking for the lady that was on her lunch break. Elder Little and I basically had a great time and just ended up talking about star wars for about 40 minutes. Those guys in DI must have been gone for so long. They literally asked EVERYONE on where this lady was. They even asked for referrals for people would know where this lady was. Eventually someone told them that she must've left to go home so they came back to the car after 40 minutes. Then we drove like 20 minutes to her house, still couldn't find her so then we get in the car. Then a worker from DI somehow calls us and tells us she is working today and that she was in the backrooms during a meeting! So we drove 20 minutes back and Elder Little and I get more time while the others look for her in DI for another 20 minutes. Then they came out after finding her and we go to the mission office since it's attached to Deseret Industries and do the baptismal interview. We then chill there for an hour eating Klondike bars and hanging with the office staff. So yeah, super hype exchange.  
Just a dumb license plate

Elder Smutz climbing a building  

Elder Little wearing a
Mandalorian helmet

Another good story while we were in the car this random member guy rolls up to our car and is like, "y'all are missionaries right?" And we were like, "yeah." He says, "what day is it?" We respond with "Tuesday." Then he says "so you're here at Deseret Industries... this must be Monday for you guys?" I look at Elder little, "no... it's still Tuesday..." Then he was like, "cool" and left. Our Preparation day is on Monday so he obviously meant that but the way he said it I think was funny. We had a good laugh after that.

Here's another story that happened. So we get home one evening and some other elders are at the house and we're talking. Someone tries to do something funny and prank Elder Spafford by putting something on his bed (I can't remember what it was, and it really doesn't matter). Anyways after some Elder did that, we're just chilling in the living room on the couches. Elder Frazier comes in and we tell him to go check out Elder Spafford's bed. So he goes in and comes out laughing, he says, "so it's funny what you put on Spafford's bed but... who pooped on elder Gunter's bed?" Were like what... so we all come into their room. We see this huge pile of poop right on Elder Gunter's rug next to his bed. We're like bruh what? Anyways apparently the dog from the neighbors came in a pooped so that was awesome. 
The dog poop

So that was the week, looks of stupid stories involving poop and whatnot. Love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Neil Pack

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