

Friday, June 3, 2022

Truman House After Hours


We almost exploded our Traeger smoker last night. I mean probably would've been fine, but you never know. Sunday night we decided to fire up the smoker out back and smoke some chicken. It was so windy that it didn't quite work like we wanted it to, so we turned it off and unplugged it. Then went inside and cooked it in the oven which was kinda sad and lame but whatever. After we've finished eating and everything we were just chilling inside when we noticed there was lots of smoke outside. We ran outside and there was smoke everywhere coming from the smoker and Elder Gunter walks over to the smoker and opens it up. A huge burst of flame jumps out and we are all like YOOOOOO and slammed it shut. It took us a little bit but with some wind and water we're chilling but it was kinda fun in the moment. 

Living with the APs is definitely interesting but cool. Elder Gunter and Spafford are super cool guys and hilarious. Elder Gunter goes home this transfer so he's just a little tired, so we talk a lot about that with him. I thought that they would have more meetings and stuff, but they work in their area a lot actually. Also, it's kinda awesome to have exchanges here because all of the zone leaders go on exchanges with them and so we get to see literally everyone. We also get insider information on transfers and what the president thinks about everything. I've been learning a lot of really cool and pretty hilarious stuff. 

I went to the temple this week again and did an endowment ceremony. Always good stuff. I really do love going to the temple because it's a super peaceful experience for me. It's just nice to sit in the celestial room. Our whole zone got to go which was great. Our mission president was there and then took us around the temple and we saw a sealing room. Then he gave us the big spiel about how we need to marry in the temple and be sealed and that everything we do in missionary work leads to this moment across the alter. I'm pretty sure the elders just took that as we should be thinking about the sister missionaries because we were all right next to them. haha.

Fun fact, my mission is notorious for setting elders and sister missionaries up after the mission. Just since my time being here there has been like 10 marriages. And like 5 of them are couples. It's honestly just a little weird but hey I mean if they like each other. There is a lot of drama in the mission too. It's just because we're super close together in proximity that some of this stuff can spread. I mean if we have 6 missionaries in the same ward and we are always meeting together no wonder couples are getting set up after the mission. I of course don't have my eyes on any sister because I'm super consecrated *hard flex*.

This week we also had MLC which stands for mission leadership council. We had it right after the temple trip so my whole day was completely shrocked. Basically all the leaders in the mission meet up for 5 hours and talk about all the problems in the mission. It was super long and I really wanted to fall asleep. But my companion and I gave a training on power and authority and why missionaries might not feel successful. It was pretty good and apparently it was so good that now they want us doing the exact same training in our All Leadership Training meeting. Bruh this is a lot of meetings. That meeting is sometimes called ALT and it includes the district leaders instead of just the zone leaders. 

Elder Posadas and I are getting along super well. He is a super awesome and loving guy. He's super patient with me as well. He's super humble and teaches super well. Last week we found lots of people but this week we had lots of lessons so the finding wasn't that great. It's the natural progression of things I guess. Our district is awesome too. The theme of the district is really weird actually. Because we have 4 elders and 2 sisters, it's a really small district. Sometimes it feels like there are only 2 elders because the zone leaders do a lot in every district. Anyways so it feels like a double date... the theme is a "double date with two dads." I'm one of the dads and so is my companion. So now you see why elders and sisters are getting set up so easily after our mission. haha.

Okay here is a cool little miracle that happened earlier. Someone that I taught a long time ago named Isaac talked with some other missionaries at the park. He came up to them and told those missionaries about how he wants to be baptized now and that he should've been baptized when I was teaching him. Those elders that found him again were pretty happy. I know I'm happy too. I taught Isaac for a long time and to think he still remembers me is pretty cool. Plus the fact that he realizes now that he made a mistake and he wants to be baptized is pretty neat. 

Our Mission President is leaving so we all went to his house and signed his quilt

In closing, I'd like to share my testimony. I don't know all things but I do know one thing. The Book of Mormon really is the word of God. It's a true record of the people on the American continent. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know that because I've read it several times and prayed about it several times. Every time I get the exact same answer. Because I know that then I know everything I need to know. I have a lot of questions, but I don't question that this really is Christ's church. 

Elder Pack

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